Home Shore Power Kits

Shore Power Kits

Shore Power Kits

Shore Power Kits

Shorepower kits are designed fornon-professionals without the need of extra tools. This product is simple,reliable and environmentally friendly. Besides that, all necessary accessoriesare included such as main cabinet, on-deck inlet, European socket, batterycharger, ready-made cable and connector. For the functions of main cabinet,they are circuit breaker, earth leakage breaker, power distribution andgalvanic isolators. To be more specific, galvanic isolator could reduce therisk of galvanic corrosion, thus protecting boat shaft and base metal moreeffectively. Designed by the concept of plug and play,all cables are ready made and connections are IP68 against reverse polarity.

Shore power kits are used asauxiliary equipment for power supply at ports and boats. Of course, it can alsobe taken as power solution for oil digging platform. Because of simpleinstallation and easy operation, this product can ensure efficiency and timelycharging. The design of isolation makes this product safer for running andpersonnel. Anti-corrosion materials are adopted in this product so it has anexcellent ability in humid and wet environment, reducing maintenance costs.

Shore Power Kits

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