Sports LED Display Screen
As installed in largestadiums, the sports LED display screen has to be able to reach the audiencefrom all directions and distances. Thusly the inclination angle of our sportsLED display screen is adjustable for the best possible viewing and camerashooting angles. Generally it is placed vertically and its screen can also rotate freely within the angle from 75°to 90°, thusly all the audience can see the images.
Withhigh refresh frequency up to 4800Hz, our sports LEDdisplay screen can display flicker-free video images. Meanwhile its highlyefficient optical fiber transmission system reduces signal delay caused by longtransmission distance and ensures the consistency of the display. Specializedsports software is also designed for editing and playing the advertisements.
Inorder to avoid injury when people accidentally crash into it and protect thescreen, the cover of our sports LED display screen is made of soft materialwhich can reduce the impact force. But it still has a protection grade of IP65,so you don’t have to worry about its durability. With dual hot spare function,two computers control one screen, and when one computer fails, the other onecan replace it automatically to ensure its normal operation. Following are somepictures to familiar you with it.
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System Composition of Sports LED Display Screen
LEDsports LED display screen。LEDLED panel display,,LEDLED display screenprice,,。,,,,,。,,,。,。,,,,。、、,,,。