Home CF310L Polycarboxylates Moderate Temperature Cement Dispersant

CF310L Polycarboxylates Moderate Temperature Cement Dispersant

CF310L Polycarboxylates Moderate Temperature Cement Dispersant

CF310LPolycarboxylates ModerateTemperature Cement Dispersant

The CF310L polycarboxylatesmoderate temperature cement dispersant is made of 12% polycarboxylic acid-sulfonate copolymer, with the rest 88% water added.This colorless or faint yellow liquid features 1.05±0.05 g/cm3 density, 0℃ or lower freezing point, and 5.0-7.0 pH value.  It is completely soluble in water and smellsslightly pungent. Therefore, our polycarboxylatesmoderate temperature cement dispersant is widely used to reduce the viscosityand improve the flow property of cement slurry. The commonly adoptedcomposition of cement slurry is 700g API class G high sulfate-resistant cement,308g water, and 7g 1

CF310L Polycarboxylates Moderate Temperature Cement Dispersant

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