LED Light Bulb
The LED light bulb we provide possesses a couple of traits andsuperiorities. It has a series of types and specifications for customer’soption and every product is unique and representative. Now our LED light bulbproduct has been applied widely in supermarket, restaurant, hotel, exhibition hall, showwindow, home application, and anyplace where there is a need to replace thetraditional light.
Our LED light bulb features extreme long service life, affordability to anyharsh circumstance, low heat generation, non mercury component inside and highwork efficiency. Compared with normal compact fluorescents, the service life ofone of our bulb can be longer than ten of them in sum, let alone comparisonwith typical incandescent. We promise that there is absolutelyno mercury used in the manufacture of our product. Our light source cancreate little heat though being on for a long time. Regarding the speed ofwarming up, it creates only 3.4 btu's per hour. While the normalincandescent lamp resource gives out 85 btu's per hour. On the other hand, ourproduct can reduce the burden of air condition for little speed of heat buildup in room. Our LED lamp has no filament and it is hard to be damaged under thecircumstance where an ordinary incandescent bulb may be quite easy to break.Moreover it can bear jarring and bumping quite well. The bulb produced by usconsumes only 2-17 watts power which occupies only onethirds to one thirtieth of Incandescent or CFL. It is an ideal substitute oftraditional light resource. E.g. the LED flashlight can prolong the servicelife of its battery ten to fifteen times as long as that of incandescent one.
The LED bulb we made has pretty cost performance and supports portable illuminator.Despite a little bit high initial expense of LED light, its greateconomic superiority will soon occur after the cost coming back over time fromthe energy savings. It is optimal choice for commercial use in the places wheremaintenance and replacement costs are huge. For recent years, the cost of our bulbhas been going down considerably. Today we see many of our products used inhome and the cost will no longer be an issue. In terms of the application area,it can be used in a wider range of places because of the low power consumption.E.g. we can use a solar panel to support it under a poor condition we can notwiring and set power generator. We can apply it in the portable fighting tool.It is ideal for use with small portable battery or buck up power in emergencies.