EnerUp® Silver Fiber
Features of the EnerUp® silver fiber
1. Thesilver adopts the anti bacterial feature by blocking the generation of thegerm.
2. Under warm and wet conditions, the silver ion has high bioactivity, whichmeans it will easily react with other substance. Then the protein outside thecell membrane of the germ will be solidified, thus blocking the breathing andgeneration of the germ.
3. The ENERUP® silver fiber hasbeen testified with the ability of resisting 99.9% germs adhering to the surface in an hour. Other anti bacterial products made byother companies can not achieve this even after 48 hours’ test.
4. The ENERUP® silver fiber is made by the combination of thesilver with the fiber. Thus, it is durable and will maintain its excellentproperties even after 200 washes.
Applications of the silver
1. Silver's recorded history of medical andtherapeutic benefits dates back to thousands of years to the Romans who were thefirst to publish and document the "magical healing" powers of silverwhen used as a wound dressing. In the 6th Century, they went to war with waterstored in silver vessels in order to keep their water supply clean and safe.Zoom ahead to the 19th century and silver foil is being used as a sterile wounddressing and silver nitrate droplets are used to clean the eyes of newbornbabies and protect them from bacteria and infection.
2. In more modern times, Western medicine recognizessilver as the most effective antimicrobial agent - natural or man-made - due toits broad spectrum antimicrobial properties in healthcare products rangingfrom bandages to burn care treatment to catheters. Clinically, silver is usedin areas and products where infection control is crucial.
Harvest is a China silver fiber manufacturer andsupplier. We offer ENERUP® silver fiber, flame retardant fiber, angora underwear, etc.Our high quality products are offered at competitive prices. Harvest is locatedin China, and the full chainof manufacturing bamboo charcoal thermal underwear, wicking thermal sock can becompleted in China,even in one city. Lower manufacturing cost saves your purchasing cost. The moredetails of each product are shown on the page with description.