Home Copper Free Mirror

Copper Free Mirror

 Copper Free Mirror -  Eco-Friendly and Ultra Durable

AEON copper free and lead free mirror is applied with a revolutionary new processwhich replaces copper, the origin of corrosion in mirror, with a highlysophisticated multiple level chemical treatment. In this process, the silveredlayer is applied on the glass by a chemical method also known as thewet film method. To reinforce the adhesion of this layer, a preparatory surfacetreatment of the glass is done by sensitization followed by passivation.The silvered layer is then treated to endow it with anti-corrosion propertiesand to improve adhesion of the paints.

AEON copper free and lead free mirror provides unparalleled protection againstcorrosion, chemicals, moisture and abrasion while adding beauty and elegance toany room. Additionally, special manufacturing system ensures greaterdurability and resistance to rough handling in transport, fabrication andinstallation.

1. AEONcopper free and lead freemirror comes with completely copper free top coatand <0.15% lead in the wet basecoat.
2. Manufacturingprocess of the eco-friendly mirror produces less waste, and ensures easier onward recycling.
3. The mirror is 10 times more resistant to natural atmospheric corrosion than required by related standards.
4. The ultra durable copper free and lead free mirror is 3 times moreresistant to scratches than standard mirrors.
5. AEON copperfree and lead free mirrorprovides improved protection against chemical attack fromcleaners and certain adhesives compared with conventional coppermirrors.
6. It is easy to be cut, drilled, or beveled, and couldbe made into wall mirror, decorative mirror, safety mirror, furniture mirror, etc.

Copper Free Mirror

AEON copper free and lead free mirror is not only durable and environmentally friendly, but canhelp a building project achieve LEED certification and be designated a greenbuilding. Theeco-friendly, ultra-durable mirror is widely used for wardrobedoor mirrors, bathroom mirrors, furniture applications, projection screens, displaycases, decorative walls, ceiling and pillar covers. In addition, it is a perfect choice anytime you want a mirror offering sharp, beautiful reflectance anduncompromising durability.

AEON copper free and lead free mirror is in compliance with Europe EN 1036 standards.

Back Paint Color: White, Grey, Blue, Green, etc.
Thickness: 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm and 6mm 
Sizes: 1524x2134mm, 1830x2440mm and 2134x3300mm,2250x3300, etc.

AEON GLASS is an experienced Chinese manufacturerof copper free and lead free mirror,providing solar glass, low-E glass, and related products. As aresult of our steadfast focus on quality and cost control, our low iron glass, patterned glass, etc. are available at affordableprices. Our easy access to convenient transportation allows us to make promptdeliveries at reasonable rates for our clients. If you have any concerns,please contact us. The staff at AEON GLASS looks forward to working withyou.


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