Home Hook Block

Hook Block

Hook categories are generally divided into single hooks and double hooks, and are used in forgings.

Wide range of product savailable

Capacity: 5 t - 1000 t
Wire line sizes: φ7.5mm-φ60mm

According to the requirements of the different loads and the ratio, the hook is equipped with a lifting pulley.

Safety factor: 4 times
Surface: Painting

Technical Parameters:

1.Lifting Single Hook

Dimensions of Lifting Single Hook
Hook No. d1 d2 d3 l3 l4 a1 a2 a3 b1 b2 h1 h2
10 75 64 TY64×8 135 446 112 90 127 100 85 125 106
12 85 72 TY72×8 157 504.5 125 100 143 112 95 140 118
16 95 80 TY80×10 170 576 140 112 160 125 106 160 132
20 106 90 TY90×10 187 645 160 125 180 140 118 180 150
25 118 100 TY100×12 207 716 180 140 202 160 132 200 170
32 132 110 TY110×12 232 788 200 160 225 180 150 224 190
40 150 125 TY125×14 257 885 224 180 252 200 170 250 212
50 170 140 TY140×16 280 969 250 200 285 224 190 280 236
63 190 160 TY160×18 322 1100 280 224 320 250 212 315 265
80 212 180 TY180×20 357 1245 315 250 358 280 236 355 300
100 236 200 TY200×22 402 1388 355 280 402 315 265 400 335
125 265 225 TY225×24 465 1565 400 315 450 355 300 450 375
160 300 250 TY250×28 510 1761 450 355 505 400 335 500 425
200 335 280 TY280×32 613 2012 500 400 565 450 375 560 475
250 375 320 TY320×36 690 2272 560 450 635 500 425 630 530

Photos of Hooks

2. Lifting Double Hook

Dimension of Lifting Double Hook
Hook No. a1 a2 a3 b1 d1 h l1 R3 RF RFN
10 90 71 116 75 75 95 450 106 35 36.3
12 100 80 130 85 85 106 510 118 49 50.5
16 112 90 146 95 95 118 580 132 69 71.1
20 125 100 163 106 106 132 650 150 97 99.5
25 140 112 182 118 118 150 715 170 135 138
32 160 125 205 132 132 170 790 190 193 197
40 180 140 230 150 150 190 885 212 280 286
50 200 160 260 170 170 212 965 236 388 394
63 224 180 292 190 190 236 1090 265 539 547
80 250 200 325 212 212 265 1235 300 750 759
100 280 224 364 236 236 300 1375 335 1050 1060
125 315 250 408 265 265 335 1550 375 1480 1491
160 355 280 458 300 300 375 1745 425 2100 2115
200 400 315 515 335 335 425 1998 475 3000 3015
250 450 355 580 375 375 475 2250 530 4250 4268

Photos of Hooks

Scrap Standard:
Hooks with any of the following deformations should be discarded:
(1) Cracks
(2) Dangerous section: the wearing section is less than 10% of its original size
(3) When compared to the original size, the hook has increased in size by 10%
(4) hook body torsional deformation of more than 10 °
(5) Plastic deformation in the hook neck
(6) Hook threaded corrosion

Hook Block

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