I. Project Overview
1. Project Company:
Weihui Chunjiang Cement Company
2. Project Location:
Tangzhuang Industrial Park, Weihui City, Henan Province
3. Main Equipment:
Φ4.5×66 m Rotary Kiln
4. Production Ability:
4500 t/d
II. Project Configurations
1. Φ4.5×66m Rotary Kiln
2. Φ3.4×6 3m Coal Ball Mill
III. Project Analysis
This 4500t/d cement production line project is built in full compliance with national industrial policy. It is designed for minimized energy consumption, reduced emission, and effective use of cement raw materials. Rapid production rate, lower than standard electricity usage, high production efficiency, and good-quality products are the major benefits of our production line for its users.