90 percent orders we receive come from the government programs and 10 percent come from other wholesalers and retailers. Our cooperative partners come from countries including:
The Middle East: Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Israel and Lebanon, etc. In 2011, orders from these countries occupy 27.27% of our total export volume and 37.32% in 2012.
Africa: Libya, Sudan, Iraq, Zambia, Tanzania, Angola, Jamaica, Liberia, Ghana, Namibia, etc. Orders from these countries cover 28.81% of our total export volume in 2011, and 33.58% in 2012.
Europe: Russia, France, Spain, Portugal, Croatia, Latvia, Italy, Germany and Iceland, etc. Orders from these countries account for 12.73% of our total export volume in 2011, and 10.32% in 2012.
America: Costa Rica, Venezuela, Panama, Moldova, Dominica and Puerto Rico, etc. Orders from these countries take up 20.00% of our total export volume in 2011 and 6.45% in 2012.
Oceania: Australia, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand, etc. Orders from these countries occupy 0.58% of our total export volume in 2011, and 0.42% in 2012.
Southeast Asia: India, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Korea, Guatemala and Madagascar, etc. Orders from these countries account for 10.61% of our total export volume in 2011, and 11.91% in 2012.