Home Clutch Steel Pipe used in Dock Piling

Clutch Steel Pipe used in Dock Piling

Clutch Steel Pipe used in Dock Piling

In the process of dock cofferdam project, the clutch steel pipe piles can be jointed to form the arc or circle shape cofferdam to enclose the water, earth, sand, etc. Compared with the steel plate type cofferdam, the cofferdam using clutch steel tube pile has more stable structure. Meanwhile, the construction speed is fast and the construction material can be recycled with high turnover rate.

We can produce a series of high quality clutch steel pipe for dock piling. The product is very fit for the geology with clay and mild clay. Featuring simple structure, easy jointing, convenient operation and high strength, the product can facilitate reducing the construction time. Meanwhile, it can be knocked into the hard soil easily. Moreover, the clutch steel tube can be used in deep water. It can bear large hydraulic head pressure difference to help to pass the flood season safely. According to the needs, the product can also be jointed to form various shapes of cofferdams with good tightness to block the water effectively. With high quality available, our product is welcomed by many customers. It has been applied in the dock construction of FMG project in Australian Hedland Port.

Clutch Steel Pipe used in Dock Piling



 锁扣钢管 Clutch Steel Pipe



用于出口澳大利亚 的  FMG项目码头建设,位于HEDLAND港
The product is exported to Australia for the dock construction of FMG project in Hedland Port.

Related Names
Locking Bar Pipe | Quick-Lock Tubing

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