Home 2738 Plastic Mould Steel

2738 Plastic Mould Steel

2738 Plastic Mould Steel

2738Plastic Mould Steel

The 2738plastic mould steel is an Italyimported product which has been pre-treated for improved hardenability and machinability. It is the product of choice forcustomers who are looking for mould steel with high degree of micro purity,good toughness and mechanical properties. In addition, the product offers high wearresistance and is suitable for photo engraving and polishing processes. Nointermediate treatment is required from steel block to mould, enabling users tooptimize manufacturing cycle.

With a maximum thickness of 1200 mm,the 2738 plastic mould steel has found a variety of applications in the plasticmoulding and extrusionfield. For instance, it can be used in making SMC, BMC moulds, bolsters, mediumand big sized moulds for the automotive industry, rubber pressing and foodindustry. It is also suitable for the production of dies, gauges for PVCextrusion and mechanical parts for extrusion presses.

2738 Plastic Mould Steel

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