Home Custom Slip Ring

Custom Slip Ring

We understand that the range of application for a slip ring can be wide and varied. Because of that, we offer to customize slip rings as per customer requirements. Whether it is a fiber optic rotary joint, hydraulic slip ring, or hybrid slip ring that you're looking for, JINPAT's research and development team would love to listen to your needs and deliver quality personalized slip rings.

Upon ordering, please do specify the following aspects: rotational speed, current, voltage, circuit count, protection rating, frequency, special signal transmission (that of Canbus, Ethernet, thermocouple, USB, RS, etc.)

Custom Slip Ring

We also manufacture custom slip rings for the mix of hydraulic and pneumatic circuits, RF and power circuits, and fiber optic, electrical and pneumatic circuits.

High rotational speed, frequency, protection rating, and data transmission speed, paired with fast design turnaround and delivery times, allow our custom slip rings to draw more customers to the company.

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