Home Capsule Slip Ring (with Through Hole), LPC-xxT Series

Capsule Slip Ring (with Through Hole), LPC-xxT Series

, LPC-xxT Series

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JINPAT offers a complete line of through hole capsule slip rings. This LPC-xxT series represents a significant improvement over other capsules in the same class. Featuring a compact design, the LPC-xxT series capsule slip ring uses a through hole to pass circuit wires through its hollow center. This configuration is advantageous because previous capsules only allow wires to pass around the outer diameter of the slip ring which take up extra space.


The space-saving through-hole capsule slip ring is simply a variant of previous LPC series capsule slip ring, offering through hole diameters from 1.5mm to 7m and outer diameters of 22mm. Through hole diameter can also be customized as per customer requirements.

Capsule Slip Ring (with Through Hole), LPC-xxT Series

Housed inside a metal enclosure, the capsule slip ring packs up to 36 passes and provides gold-plated contacts. It is suitable for low-current signal circuits, transmitting video, control, sensor and Ethernet signals.

This series of capsule slip ring overcomes the problem of occupying too much space faced by the LPT series through-hole slip ring. It also allows connection to a fiber optic rotary joint.

Typical Applications
Robot, video monitoring, testing instruments
Military-grade turntable
Medical equipment
Rotary worktable
Exhibit displays

Other Application of Slip Rings

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