Home Roller Fairlead

Roller Fairlead

A fairlead is a device that guides ropes or cables around an object, out of the way or to prevent it from moving laterally. Fairleads are typically a ring or a hook, and they may be a separate piece of hardware, or a hole in the structure. If the line is meant to be moved while in the fairlead, the angle in the line created by the fairlead must be a shallow one in order to minimize friction. In ships, they are used to keep a loose end of the line from sliding around the deck. Our roller fairlead is a mooring fairlead that consists of both vertical and horizontal rollers. Compared to a vertical roller fairlead, ours is designed with added horizontal rollers, which allow for rope guidance from all directions.

Roller Fairlead

Along with common fairleads, we can also provide fairleaders with 3, 5, 6, 7 or 9 rollers.

Parameters of Roller Fairlead
Steel Wire Rope DiameterNylon Rope DiameterEFDdLL1L 2L 3BB1B2HH 1Weight (kg)
22.54020016012060 -0.5728466320608280232128662270239
26.04520018013055- 0.5776480330646304250138606310306
32.07022018015065- 0.5880640370730346288168670330460
34.58024020016070-0.59405 8 0400780370308168710360576
37.58524020018080-0.5103062042085041734 6190770330766
43.09526021020090-0.5113668646093645938 5210820410987

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