Home AAC / ACSR Conductor (All Aluminum Conductor/Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced)

AAC / ACSR Conductor (All Aluminum Conductor/Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced)

ACSR Conductor ACSR Conductor ACSR Conductor AAC Conductor AAC Conductor

If it is a ACSR conductor that you're after, then you are in luck. Leshan Cable Co., is a dedicated Chinese ASCR wire provider. Our expansive catalogue showcases a variety of AAC and ACSR cables for customers to choose from.

AAC/ACSR conductors are used for overhead transportation of electricity. These are the stranded conductors on overhead power lines that you see suspended in the air along roads and fields.

The ACSR wire is built to the standard
GB1179 is similar to GB/T1179-2008; IEC 61089:1991

Length of ACSR cable
The length of A.A.C. should meet with the stipulations in Form 2 and form3 respectively. Length error allowance of any piece of A.A.C. or A.C.S.R. is ±5%, 5% of shorter cables with length no less than 1/3 of the stipulated length are allowed for delivery.

AAC / ACSR Conductor (All Aluminum Conductor/Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced)
Type Description
LG Aluminum wring line
LGJ Steel-core aluminum wring the line
LGJF Antisepsis steel-core aluminum wring the line
Area Pieces/Diameter Calculation Area Diameter Biggest resistance Calculation Force Weight Length
mm2 mm mm2 mm Ω/km N kg/km m
16 16/1.70 15.89 5.10 1.802 2480 43.5 4000
25 7/2.15 25.41 6.45 1.127 4355 69.6 3000
35 7/2.50 34.36 7.50 0.8332 5760 94.1 2000
50 7/3.00 49.48 9.00 0.5786 7930 135.5 1500
70 7/3.60 71.25 10.80 0.4018 10950 195.1 1250
95 7/4.16 95.14 12.48 0.3009 14450 260.5 1000
120 19/2.85 121.21 14.25 0.2373 19420 333.5 1500
150 19/3.15 148.07 15.75 0.1943 23310 407.4 1250
185 19/3.50 182.80 17.50 0.1574 28440 503.0 1000
210 19/3.75 209.85 18.75 0.1371 32260 577.4 1000
240 19/4.00 238.76 20.00 0.1205 36260 656.9 1000
300 37/3.20 297.57 22.40 0.09689 46850 820.4 1000
400 37/3.70 397.83 25.90 0.07247 61150 1097 1000
500 37/4.16 502.90 29.12 0.05733 76370 1387 1000
630 61/3.63 631.30 32.67 0.04577 91940 1744 800
800 61/4.10 805.36 36.90 0.03588 115900 2225 800
Area (mm2) Number Diameter Calculation Area(mm2) Diameter (mm) Resistance ≤Ω/km Force (N) Weight (kg/km) Length (m)
Al Steel Al Steel Total
10/2 6/1.50 1/1.50 10.60 1.77 12.37 4.50 2.706 4120 42.9 2000
16/3 6/1.85 1/1.85 16.13 2.69 18.82 5.55 1.779 6130 65.2 2000
25/4 6/2.32 1/2.32 25.36 4.23 29.59 6.96 1.131 9290 102.6 2000
35/6 6/2.72 1/2.72 34.86 5.81 40.67 8.16 0.8230 12630 140.0 2000
50/8 6/3.20 1/3.20 48.25 8.04 56.29 9.60 0.5946 16870 195.1 2000
50/30 12/2.32 7/2.32 50.73 29.59 80.32 11.60 0.5692 42620 372.0 2000
70/10 6/3.80 1/3.08 68.05 11.34 79.39 11.40 0.4217 23390 275.2 2000
70/40 12/2.72 7/2.72 69.73 40.67 110.40 13.60 0.4141 58300 511.3 2000
95/15 26/2.15 7/1.67 94.39 15.33 109.72 13.61 0.3058 35000 380.8 2000
95/20 7/4.16 7/1.85 95.14 18.82 113.96 13.87 0.3019 37200 408.9 2000
95/55 12/3.20 7/3.20 96.51 56.30 152.81 16.00 0.2992 78110 707.7 2000
120/7 18/2.90 1/2.90 118.89 6.61 125.50 14.50 0.2422 27570 379.0 2000
120/20 26/2.38 7/1.85 115.67 18.82 134.49 15.07 0.2496 41000 466.8 2000
120/25 7/4.72 7/2.10 122.48 24.25 146.73 15.74 0.2345 47880 526.6 2000
120/70 12/3.60 7/3.60 122.15 71.25 193.40 18.00 0.2364 98370 895.6 2000
150/8 8/3.20 1/3.20 144.76 8.04 152.80 16.00 0.1989 32860 461.4 2000
150/20 24/2.78 7/1.85 145.68 18.82 164.50 16.67 0.1980 46630 549.4 2000
150/25 26/2.70 7/2.10 148.86 24.25 173.11 17.10 0.1939 54110 601.0 2000
150/35 30/2.50 7/2.50 147.26 34.36 181.62 17.50 0.1962 65020 676.2 2000
185/10 18/3.60 1/3.60 183.22 10.18 193.40 18.00 0.1572 40880 584.0 2000
185/25 24/3.15 7/2.10 187.04 24.25 211.29 18.90 0.1542 59420 706.1 2000
185/30 26/2.98 7/2.32 181.34 29.59 210.93 18.88 0.1592 64320 732.6 2000
185/45 30/2.80 7/2.80 184.73 43.10 227.82 19.60 0.1564 80190 848.2 2000
210/10 18/3.80 1/3.80 204.14 11.34 215.48 19.00 0.1411 45140 650.7 2000
210/25 24/3.33 7/2.22 209.02 27.10 236.12 19.98 0.1380 65990 789.1 2000
210/35 26/3.22 7/2.50 211.73 34.36 246.09 20.38 0.1363 74250 853.9 2000
210/50 30/2.98 7/2.98 209.24 48.82 258.06 20.86 0.1381 90830 960.8 2000
240/30 24/3.60 7/2.40 244.24 31.67 275.96 21.60 0.1181 75620 922.2 2000
240/40 26/3.42 7/2.66 238.85 38.90 277.75 21.66 0.1209 83370 964.3 2000
240/55 30/3.20 7/3.20 241.27 56.30 297.57 22.40 0.1198 102100 1108 2000
300/15 42/3.00 7/1.67 296.88 15.33 312.21 23.01 0.09724 68060 939.8 2000
300/20 45/2.93 7/1.95 303.42 20.91 324.33 23.43 0.09520 75680 1002 2000
300/25 48/2.85 7/2.22 306.21 27.10 333.31 23.76 0.09433 83410 1058 2000
300/40 24/3.99 7/2.66 300.09 38.90 338.99 23.94 0.09614 92220 1133 2000
300/50 26/2.83 7/2.98 299.54 48.82 348.36 24.26 0.09636 103400 1210 2000
300/70 30/3.60 7/3.60 305.36 71.25 376.61 25.20 0.09463 128000 1402 2000
400/20 42/3.51 7/1.95 406.40 20.91 427.31 26.91 0.07104 88850 1286 1500
400/25 45/3.33 7/2.22 391.91 27.10 419.01 26.64 0.07370 95940 1295 1500
400/35 48/3.22 7/2.50 390.88 34.36 425.24 26.82 1.07389 103900 1349 1500
400/50 54/3.07 7/3.07 399.73 51.82 451.55 27.63 0.07232 123400 1511 1500
400/65 26/4.42 7/3.44 398.94 65.06 464.00 28.00 0.07236 135200 1611 1500
400/95 30/4.16 19/2.50 407.75 93.27 501.02 29.14 0.07087 171300 1860 1500
500/35 45/3.75 7/2.50 497.01 34.36 531.37 30.00 0.05812 119500 1642 1500
500/45 48/3.60 7/2.80 488.58 43.10 531.68 30.00 0.05912 128100 1688 1500
500/65 54/3.44 7/3.44 501.88 65.06 566.94 30.96 0.05760 154000 1897 1500
630/45 45/4.20 7/2.80 623.45 43.10 666.55 33.60 0.04633 148700 2060 1200
630/55 48/4.12 7/3.20 639.92 56.30 696.22 34.32 0.04514 164400 2209 1200
630/80 54/3.87 19/2.32 635.19 80.32 715.51 34.82 0.04551 192900 2388 1200
800/55 45/4.80 7/3.20 814.30 56.30 870.60 38.40 0.03547 191500 2690 1000
800/70 48/4.63 7/3.60 808.15 71.25 879.40 38.58 0.03574 207000 2791 1000
800/100 54/4.33 19/2.60 795.17 100.83 896.05 38.98 0.03635 241100 2991 1000

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