Home Fire Resistant Power Cable (Fixed Installed Cable for Coal Mining)

Fire Resistant Power Cable (Fixed Installed Cable for Coal Mining)

Cables used in harsh environments such as mining need to be durable as well as functional. This fire resistant power cable is a common sight on the cable installation project, and is used typically to carry electricity to mining equipment safely with very little risk of being damaged. The thick insulation of these mining cables protects the conductors within from fire and crushing damage.

The fire resistant cable's reference standard: MT818. 11 ~ 13-2009

Working conditions of fire resistant power cable
1) This maximum working temperature of the conductor 90℃ for XLPE insulation and 70℃ for PVC insulation.
In case of a short (lasting less than 5 seconds) the maximum temperature of the cable conductor shall not be above 250° for XCLPE insulation and 160℃ for PVC insulation
Environment temperature should be no lower than 0℃ when installing the cable;

Fire Resistant Power Cable (Fixed Installed Cable for Coal Mining)

2) Bending radius allowance of the fire resistant power cable
Single core cable: Unarmored cable 20D; Steel tape armored cable 15D
Multi-Core cable: Unarmored cable 15D; Steel tape armored cable 12D.
Notes: D= practical external diameter of cable.

Type Description
MV(YJ )V Insulated PVC sheathed power cable for coal mine
MV(YJ)V22 Insulated steel tape armored PVC sheathed power cable for coal mine
MV(YJ)V32 Insulated thin steel wire armored PVC sheathed power cable for coal mine
MV(YJ)V42 Insulated thick steel wire armored PVC sheathed power cable for coal mine
Rated cross area (mm2) 4 6 10 16 25 35 50
Cu (Ω/km) 4.61 3.08 1.83 1.15 0.727 0.524 0.387
Rated cross area (mm2) 70 95 120 150 185 240 300
Cu (Ω/km) 0.268 0.193 0.153 0.124 0.0991 0.0754 0.0601
Rated Voltage (kV) 3.6/6 6/6 6/10 8.7/10 8.7/15
Test Voltage (kV) 6.23 10.38 15.05
Discharge capacity (pC) 10 10 10
Rated Voltage (kV) 0.6/1 1.8/3 3.6/6 3.6/10 6/6 6/10 8.7/10 8.7/15
Test Voltage (kV) 3.5 6.5 12.5 21 30.5
Test Time (min) 5 5 5 5 5
TableA-1: The power cable current-carrying capacity of 1kV PVC insulates and sheath
Apply the model number: VV VLV;
Limit the term :
Environment temperature : 25°C;
Soil temperature : 25°C;
Soil thermal receptivity: 120°·cm/W
Area (mm2) The long-term admission current-carrying capacity in air(A) The long-term admission current-carrying capacity in soil(A)
Cu Al Cu Al
1-core 2-core 3/4 core 1-core 2-core 3/4 core 1-core 2-core 3/4core 1-core 2-core 3/4 core
4 41 35 29 31 26 22 56 41 35 43 32 27
6 54 44 38 41 34 29 70 52 44 54 40 34
10 72 60 52 55 46 40 94 69 59 72 53 46
16 97 79 69 74 61 53 124 91 77 95 70 59
25 132 107 93 102 83 72 163 118 101 125 91 78
35 162 124 113 124 95 87 196 139 124 151 107 95
50 204 155 140 157 120 108 241 171 150 185 132 116
70 253 196 175 195 151 135 292 208 184 225 160 141
95 272 238 214 214 182 165 348 257 218 267 191 168
120 356 273 247 276 211 191 392 282 247 305 218 190
150 410 315 293 316 242 225 447 322 283 343 248 218
185 465 356 332 358 274 257 500 360 318 385 278 247
240 552 / 393 425 / 306 582 / 368 447 / 284
300 636 / 452 490 / 352 660 / 417 500 / 317
400 757 / / 589 / / 773 / / 593 / /
500 886 / / 680 / / 876 / / 670 / /
TableA-2: The power cable current-carrying capacity of 1kV & PVC insulates &Steel potassium & PVC sheath
Apply the model number: VV22 VLV 22 VV32 VLV32 VV42 VLV42
Limit the term :
Environment temperature : 25°C;
Soil temperature : 25°C;
Soil thermal receptivity: 120°·cm/W
Conductor Area (mm2) The long-term admission current-carrying capacity in air(A) The long-term admission current-carrying capacity in soil(A)
Copper core cable Aluminum core cable Copper core cable Aluminum core cable
2-core 3-core 4-core 2-core 3-core 4-core 2-core 3-core 4-core 2-core 3-core 4-core
4 36 31 30 27 23 23 41 35 34 32 27 26
6 45 39 39 35 30 30 52 45 44 40 34 34
10 60 52 52 46 40 40 67 59 58 52 46 45
16 81 71 70 62 54 54 90 78 77 70 60 59
25 106 96 94 81 73 73 118 103 100 91 79 77
35 128 114 119 99 88 92 140 123 126 108 94 97
50 160 144 149 123 111 115 171 151 154 132 116 118
70 197 179 184 152 138 141 207 192 195 160 142 142
95 240 217 226 185 167 174 248 216 221 191 166 171
120 278 252 260 215 194 201 284 247 252 219 190 194
150 319 292 301 246 225 231 320 282 384 246 216 218
185 356 333 345 278 257 266 357 315 319 280 242 246
240 392 406 305 314 364 370 295 300
300 450 466 351 360 433 440 340 348
TableA-3: The power cable current-carrying capacity of 1kV & XLPE insulates& PVC sheath
Apply the model number: YJV YJLV
Limit the term :
Environment temperature : 40°C;
Soil temperature : 25°C;
Soil thermal receptivity: 200°C·cm/W
Conductor Area (mm2) The long-term admission current-carrying capacity in air(A) The long-term admission current-carrying capacity in soil(A)
Copper core cable Aluminum core cable Copper core cable Aluminum core cable
1-core 3/4 core 1-core 3/4 core 1-core 3/4 core 1-core 3/4 core
2.5 34 32 27 25 36 32 27 25
4 44 41 35 32 47 41 35 32
6 56 52 45 42 59 52 46 42
10 77 70 60 53 78 69 59 53
16 100 91 78 70 102 90 77 71
25 132 118 102 91 130 117 104 91
35 164 150 127 114 169 143 117 113
50 196 182 152 146 187 169 139 134
70 251 228 195 178 226 208 174 165
95 305 273 236 214 269 247 208 195
120 351 314 272 246 300 282 239 221
150 401 360 311 278 339 321 269 247
185 461 410 359 319 382 356 300 278
240 546 483 424 378 435 408 348 321
300 611 552 474 419 495 469 391 365
400 716 / 546 / 574 / 456 /
TableA-4: The power cable current-carrying capacity of 1kV & XLPE insulates& Steel potassium & PVC sheath
Apply the model number: YJV22, YJLV22, YJV32, YJLV32,YJV42, YJLV42
Limit the term :
Environment temperature : 40°C;
Soil temperature : 25°C;
Soil thermal receptivity: 200°C·cm/W
Conductor Area (mm2) The long-term admission current-carrying capacity in air(A) The long-term admission current-carrying capacity in soil(A)
Copper core cable Aluminum core cable Copper core cable Aluminum core cable
3/4 core 3/4core 3/4core 3/4core
4 41 32 41 32
6 52 42 52 42
10 70 53 69 53
16 91 70 90 71
25 118 91 117 91
35 150 114 143 113
50 182 146 169 134
70 228 178 208 165
95 273 214 247 195
120 314 246 282 221
150 360 278 321 247
185 410 319 356 278
240 483 378 408 321
300 552 419 469 365
TableA-5: The power cable current-carrying capacity of 10~35kV & XLPE insulates
Apply the model number: YJV YJLV
Limit the term :
Environment temperature : 40°C;
Soil temperature : 25°C;
Soil thermal receptivity: 200°C·cm/W °C
Area (mm2) The long-term admission current-carrying capacity in air(A) The long-term admission current-carrying capacity in soil(A)
10kV 3-core 35kV 1-core 10kV 3-core 35kV 1-core
Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al
25 129 100 / / 116 90 / /
35 159 123 / / 135 105 / /
50 182 141 205 159 155 120 175 135
70 223 173 253 196 196 152 222 172
95 276 214 311 241 235 182 265 205
120 317 246 354 275 264 205 295 229
150 359 278 396 307 283 219 312 242
185 413 320 456 354 319 247 352 273
240 481 373 533 413 377 292 418 324
300 552 428 609 472 423 328 467 362
400 646 501 711 551 482 374 530 411
500 740 574 815 631 547 424 602 467
TableA-6: The current-carrying capacity is on 750V or lower PVC insulate power wire(cable)
Apply the model number: BV BLV BVV BLVV
Limit the term : Environment temperature 25°C at air
Area (mm2) 2-core 3-core 4-core
Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al
1.0 12 / 11 / 10 /
1.5 16 / 15 / 13 /
2.5 24 18 21 16 19 14
4 31 24 28 22 25 19
6 41 31 36 27 32 25
10 56 42 49 38 44 33
16 72 55 65 49 57 44
25 95 73 85 65 75 57
35 120 90 105 80 93 70
50 150 114 132 102 117 90
70 185 145 167 130 148 115
95 230 175 205 158 185 140
120 270 200 240 180 215 160
150 305 230 275 207 250 185
185 355 265 310 235 280 212
TableA-7: Current-carrying capacity is on general-purpose soft rubber sheath cable
Apply the model number: YQ, YQW, YZ, YZW, YC, YCW
Limit the term : Environment temperature 25°C at air
Area(mm2) cable core number
1-core 2-core 3-core 4-core
1.0 19 17 14 13
1.5 24 21 18 18
2.5 37 30 25 25
4 47 39 34 34
6 52 51 43 44
10 75 74 63 63
16 112 98 84 84
25 148 135 115 116
35 183 167 142 143
50 226 208 176 177
70 289 259 224 224
95 353 318 273 273
120 415 371 316 316
Table A-8: Current-carrying capacity is onrubber soft cables for mining use
Apply the model number: MZ(E), MZP(E), MC, MCP, MCPJ, MCPT, MCPTJ, MY(E), MYP(E), UYPT(E),MYPTJ(E)
Limit the term : Environment temperature 25°C in air
Lord-core area (mm2) 1.14kV or lower cable 6kV or lower cable
2.5 26 /
4 36 /
6 46 53
10 64 72
16 85 94
25 113 121
35 138 148
50 173 183
70 215 225
95 260 270
120 308 /

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