Home Rotary Compressor

Rotary Compressor

A rotary compressor uses a positive displacement mechanism. Two meshing rotors compress the gas as an alternative to piston compressors, which require large volumes of high pressure air. The rotary screw compressor is often used in large industrial applications or to operate high-power air tools such as jackhammers.

Rotary Compressor

This rotary gas compressor has been used to manufacture aircons, refrigeration products and other products. We provide three types of this air conditioner compressor, each of which use different refrigerants and configurations to meet the varied needs of our customers.

Technical Specifications of Rotary Compressor (QXR, R22)

Part No. Rated Power Supply Cylinder Volume (cm3) Nominal Capacity W Kal/h Btu/h Input Power (W) Work Current (A) Run Capacitor (μF/450V)
QXR-10E 2FN1220V / 50Hz9.61680 1445 57125802.720
QXR-13E 2FN1220V / 50Hz13.52120 1823 72087303.525
QXR-15E 2FN1220V / 50Hz14.82460 2116 8364830425
QXR-16E 2FN2220V / 50Hz16.42730 2348 92829154.225
QXR-19E 4DN1220V / 50Hz19.23210 2761 1091411005.130
QXR-21E 4DN3220V / 50Hz21.33620 3113 1230812105.630
QXR-23E 4DN1220V / 50Hz23.53920 3371 1332813006.135
QXR-25E 4DN2220V / 50Hz25.44220 3629 1434814106.635
QXR-29E 4DN2220V / 50Hz29.24860 4180 1652416307.735
QXR-33E 5DS1220V / 50Hz33.65640 4850 1917619259.150
QXR-36E 5DS1220V / 50Hz35.76060 5212 2060420609.850
QXR-41E 6BT1220V / 50Hz41.27060 6072 24004236011.250
QXR-44E 6BT1220V / 50Hz44.27620 6553 2590825401250
QXR-10Y 2FN1220V / 60Hz9.61900 1634 6460650320
QXR-13Y 2FN2220V / 60Hz13.52650 2279 90109004.220
QXR-15Y 2FN1220V / 60Hz14.52820 2425 95889504.520
QXR-16Y 2FN1220V / 60Hz16.43260 2804 1108411005.120
QXR-19Y 4DN2220V / 60Hz19.23910 3363 132941300625
QXR-21Y 4DN2220V / 60Hz21.34290 3689 1458614406.730
QXR-23Y 4DN2220V / 60Hz23.54670 4016 1587815707.330
QXR-25Y 4DN2220V / 60Hz25.45060 4352 1720417208.230
QXR-27Y 4DN2220V / 60Hz26.45390 4635 1832618208.535
QXR-33Y 5DS1220V / 60Hz33.66810 5857 23154232010.645
QXR-36Y 6BT1220V / 60Hz35.77300 6278 24820250011.550
QXR-10T 2FN1115V / 60Hz9.62000 1720 68006806.540
QXR-13T 2FN1115V / 60Hz13.52650 2279 90108507.850
QXR-16T 2FN1115V / 60Hz16.43260 2804 1108410709.850
QXR-19T 4DN1115V / 60Hz19.23910 3363 13294130011.950

Technical Specifications of Rotary Compressor(QXC, R407C)

Part No. Rated Power Supply Cylinder Volume (cm3) Nominal Capacity W Kal/h Btu/h Input Power (W) Work Current (A) Run Capacitor (μF/450V)
QXC-10K 2FN1 220-240V/ 50Hz9.61580 1359 53725402.620
QXC-13K 2FN1 220-240V/ 50Hz13.52050 1763 69707003.425
QXC-16K 2FN1 220-240V/ 50Hz16.42670 2296 90789004.125
QXC-19K 4DN1 220-240V/ 50Hz19.23020 2597 102681050530
QXC-21K 4DN1 220-240V/ 50Hz21.33580 3079 1217212105.630
QXC-23K 4DN1 220-240V/ 50Hz23.53830 3294 130221280635
QXC-25K 4DN1 220-240V/ 50Hz25.44100 3526 1394013806.535
QXC-29K 4DN1 220-240V/ 50Hz29.24780 4111 1625216207.735
QXC-33K 5DS1 220-240V/ 50Hz33.65600 4816 190401900950
QXC-36K 5DS1 220-240V/ 50Hz35.76060 5212 2060420609.850
QXC-41K 6BT1 220-240V/ 50Hz41.26980 6003 23732233011.150
QXC-13Y 2FN1220V/60Hz13.52600 2236 88408904.220
QXC-16Y 2FN1220V/60Hz16.43260 2804 1108411205.320
QXC-19Y 4DN1220V/60Hz19.23850 3311 130901310625
QXC-25Y 4DN1220V/60Hz25.45000 4300 170001700830
QXC-27Y 4DN1220V/60Hz26.45330 4584 1812218108.435
QXC-33Y 5DS1220V/60Hz33.66740 5796 22916230010.645
QXC-10T 2FN1115V/60Hz9.61950 1677 6630660640
QXC-13T 2FN1115V/60Hz13.52630 2262 8942890850
QXC-16T 2FN1115V/60Hz16.43230 2778 1098210909.8550

Technical Specifications of Rotary Compressor(QXA, R410A)

Part No. Rated Power Supply Cylinder Volume (cm3) Nominal Capacity W Kal/h Btu/h Input Power (W) Work Current (A) Run Capacitor (μF/450V)
QXA-10K 2FN1 220-240V/ 50Hz10.22390 2055 81268704.130
QXA-11K 2FN1 220-240V/ 50Hz11.22640 2270 89769604.530
QXA-13K 4DN1 220-240V/ 50Hz13.53190 2743 1084611205.230

Testing Condition of Rotary Compressor

ApplicationAmbient temp.Return gas temp.Condensing temp.Subcooling temp.Evaporating temp.
High Temp35℃35℃54.4℃46.1℃7.2℃

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