Home 320 Series Marine Diesel Engine

320 Series Marine Diesel Engine

Our self-developed 320series marine diesel engine has been awarded with the prize of the National Conference of Science of China, with many features such as compact structure, reliable performance, easy operation and maintenance.

The marine engine is a four-stroke, water-cooled, directly injected, exhaust turbocharged diesel engine with a charging air cooler. The marine diesel engine comes in 6-cylinder, 8-cylinder, and 12-cylinder types, with output ranging from 971kW to 2426kW. Themarine propulsion engine can be operated on heavy fuel oil of 180cSt/50℃ or of 1500 sec.Red.No.1/100℉, and the emission is in line with IMO Tier II standard.

320 Series Marine Diesel Engine

Therefore, the 320 series marine diesel engine has long been well-received among users. The improvement is going on continuously to cater to special requirements with even better quality. As per the request of users, the engine can be optionally equipped with remote control device, all kinds of couplings and gearboxes, as well as other engineering machines.

The 320 series marine diesel engine can be used as the main engine of the following kinds of ships:
Ro-Ro vehicle ships, Oil tankers, Container ships, Bulk carriers, Tugboats, Fishing ships, Dredgers, Naval ships.

Guangjun 1 tugboats using 8320ZCd-8×2
diesel engine
Minsheng 001 marine workboat using 320 series
marine diesel engine as its main engine
Changneng 9 LPG transport ship using 8320ZCd-8
marine diesel engine as its main engine

Overall Dimensions
ItemModel6320ZCd6320ZCd-26320ZCd-46320ZCd-68320ZCd-4 8320ZCd-6 8320ZCd-812V320ZCd
Cylinderbore (mm)320
No. of cylinders6812
MCR(kW/P) 971/ 1320 1103/1500 1324/ 1800 1545/ 2100 1765/ 2400 2060/ 2800 2206/30002426/ 3300
Speed at MCR (r/min)400428500525500525525450
Mean effective pressure (Mpa)1. 3721. 4571.4951.6621.4951.6621.7821.523
Max. combustion pressure (Mpa)≤9.5≤10.3≤12.5≤12.5≤12.5≤12.5≤13.5≤12
Specificfuel oil consumption at 85% MCR at 100%MCR(g/kW.h)196 198189 191196 198186 189192 194
Specific lube oil consumption(g/kW.)1.2
Main dimensions (L×B×H mm)4859×1613×30554934×1818×32396010×1818×34806010×1853×34805660×2470×3426
Weight (kg)230003000035000

GDF is one of the most outstanding diesel engine manufacturers and a professional provider of marine power solutions. Your satisfaction is our untiring pursuit.

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