Home Marine Furniture

Marine Furniture


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The marine furniture is made of environment-friendly core materials and fireproof finish material approved by the Classification Society. We adopt the hardware spare parts of domestic or European famous brand. All our listed furniture is designed and manufactured in compliance with SOLAS.

With regard to design, we fully take the environment where ship furniture is used and requirements into account. To avoid furniture moving and vibrating during sailing, we connect it to a bulkhead or deck. All connections are removable with the ease of installation and replacement. For the furniture near passageways, we consider designing it with round corner. To avoid washing away by wave, we add breakwater baffle to bed and hook or rope below chair. In addition, we pay much attention to furniture size design to perfectly coordinate with overall space.

Marine Furniture

In accordance with the core material, the marine furniture contains wood type, stainless steel type, aluminum honeycomb steel type and steel type. Stainless steel type is ideally suited to marine wet units such as kitchen, laundry,etc. Aluminium honeycomb type is applied to make lightweight high-speed ships such as warship, marine surveillance ship and yacht to meet the requirements of weight reduction.

We have been commitment to the design idea of being personalized. According to varieties of ship type and functionality, we are not only capable of providing bespoke design of marine furniture, cabin layout and manufacturing, but also capable of offering guidance on construction practice and installation to customers. Furthermore, we will adjust the design according to your preferred color. Therefore, the overall house furnishing design could suit your requirements.


NameBed, Wardrobe, Desk, Chair
Material Wood Steel
Stainless steelHoneycomb steel
HardwareUpon actual request
DimensionUpon actual request
ColorWith reference to color swatch

Production Processes

Production Processes

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