Home NH, NS Series Hydraulic Cone Crusher

NH, NS Series Hydraulic Cone Crusher

NH, NS Series

The NH, NS series hydraulic cone crusher is specially developed by Mackorn to meet the needs of quarry owners or managers. It is designed in combination with the proved crushing theory and the professional knowledge of Swedish consultants. With required high performance and reliability, this high-speed cone crusher machine would achieve what your market wishes.

Our hydraulic cone crusher is smaller and lighter than similar products in the market, but it can offer a high level of crushing. Equipped with topnotch and durable spare parts with original packaging, this product can meet the stringent requirements for quarrying and crushing.

Main Design Features and Technical Advantages
The NS series product is a kind of advanced, high-yield, and high-speed secondary crushing equipment.

The NH series product is a type of high-yield, high-speed, and state-of-the-art tertiary crushing plant.

1. Dynamic Adjustment Settings
The fine crushing equipment is able to regulate the discharge opening settings by hydraulic pressure under load.

2. Versatility of Eccentricity and Crushing Chamber
The same type of hydraulic cone crusher can be chosen with different chambers and eccentricity so as to achieve required product specifications.

3. Easy Maintenance
Main components of the product can be disassembled from above for convenient maintenance. Also, a hydraulic oil station adopts human-oriented design concept, capacious inner space, and proper height for easy maintenance.

4. Durable and Safe Ball Bearing Design
Unique multi-faceted stress points extend replacement time of the accessory, while simultaneously reducing the phenomenon that copper bushes or other important spare parts are often damaged by excessive loss of a traditional bush with single-face stress points.

5. Optimized Cooling System Design
The optimized cooling system can well maintain the operating temperature, which enables the hydraulic cone crusher to work within the best temperature range.

6. Reinforced Design of Upper Frame Body
The reinforced design of upper frame body prolongs the service life of the crushing machine and also guarantees smooth operation for a long time.

Technical Parameters

Standard Production Capacity (T/H) under Closed Side Setting CSS (mm)
NS Series Hydraulic Cone CrusherModelMotor PowerChamber ModelMaximum Feed Size1922252932353841444851546064707683
 kW mm
NS280090EC240 8592-115101-158107-168114-143121          
NS3800160EC360  126138-173147-230156-293165-310174-327183-344196-306205-256214     
C300 108116-145127-199135-254144-270152-285161-301169-264180       
NS4800250EC450     267282-353298-446313-563334-601349-524365-456     
C400   225239-299254-381269-484284-511298-448318-398333      
MC300  195214-267228-342242-435256-461270-486284-426303-378317      
NS6800315EC560       349368-460392-588410-718428-856465-929489-978525-1050562-983604
C500      318336-420353-618376-753394-788411-823446-892469-822504-631  
NH Series Hydraulic Cone CrusherStandard Production Capacity (T/H) under Closed Side Setting CSS (mm)
ModelMotor PowerChamber ModelMaximum Feed Size46810131619222532384451576470
 kW mm
NH280090EC135   4650-8554-9258-9962-10566-11276-128      
C90   43-5346-8950-9654-10357-11061-11870      
M65  36-4438-7441-8045-7648-59         
MF50 3638-6732-5735-4838          
EF2930-40 (80% fineness of less than 4.5-5.5mm)
NH3800160EC185    69-10875-15080-16186-17191-182104-208115-208     
C145    66-13171-14276-15281-16286-17398-197109-150     
MC115   5762-14067-15172-16277-17382-18493-145      
M90   64-8469-13175-14280-15286-16291-154104      
MF75  6165-10670-11576-12481-12687-11492       
F50 48-7851-8354-8859-9663-10368-10572-9577       
EF3570-90 (80% fineness of less than 5-5.6mm)
NH4800250EC215     114-200122-276131-294139-313159-357175-395192-384    
C175    101109-218117-292125-312133-332151-378167-335183-229    
MC140    97-122105-262113-282120-301128-320146-328161-242     
M110    117-187126-278136-298145-318154-339176-281194     
MF85   114124-227134-245144-263153-281163-299186-248      
F70  90-13596-176104-191112-206120-221129-236137-251156-208      
EF38100-125 (80% fineness of less than 6-7.5mm)
NH6800315EC275     177190-338203-436216-464246-547272-605298-662328-511   
CX245     174-194187-374200-488212-519242-592268-654293-521323-359   
C215     171-190184-367196-480209-510238-582263-643288-512317-353   
MC175     162-253174-426186-455198-484226-552249-499273-364    
M135     197-295211-440226-470240-500274-502302-403     
MF115    192207-369222-396237-423252-450287-451318-363     
F85    195-304210-328225-352241-376256-400292-401323     
EF65    211-293227-316244-298261-290        
NH8700500EC300       448-588477-849544-968601-1070658-1172725-1291782-1393849-1512906-1331
C240      406433-636461-893525-1018581-1125636-1232700-1357756-1464820-1461876-1286
MC195      380-440406-723432-837492-954544-1055596-1155675-1272708-1373769-1307821-1206
M155      400-563428-786455-836519-953573-1054628-1154692-1271746-1372810-1248865-1098
MF100     379-424407-716434-765462-814527-928582-942638-789702   
F90    357-395385-656414-704442-752470-800535-912592-857649-718    
EF80   280-405304-517328-558352-598376-639400-680455-775503-728551-669    

Remarks: Production Capacity, T/H

1. The data presented is general indicators of the crushing machine production performance. Data listed in the table is for the performance of our mining equipment during the open circuit production of dry materials with bulk density of 1.6T/M3. In addition, the maximum feed size assumed is the maximum feed size allowed by this crushing equipment without any fine material smaller than a closed side setting.

NH, NS Series Hydraulic Cone Crusher

2. The crushing capacity of the hydraulic cone crusher may be affected by different factors such as the selected eccentricity, crushing ratio, crushing function index, feed size composition, circulating load, and the mud content in feed, etc. For detailed applications, please feel free to contact us.

3. The NS series hydraulic cone crusher has three optional standard crushing chambers: MC=medium coarse, C=coarse, EC=extra coarse.

4. The NH series hydraulic cone crusher has multiple optional crushing chambers: EEF=extremely fine, EF=extra fine, EFX=extra fine approximation, F=fine, MF=medium fine, M=medium, MC=medium coarse, C=coarse, CX=coarse approximation, EC=extra coarse.

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