1. On the top of our 20L square metal jerry can, there is a bleed screw used to adjust the air pressure in the can. When refuelling your car, you can unscrew the screw to make the air pressure inside and outside the can balanced so that the gasoline in the container will run out smoothly and quickly.
2. Made of 0.8mm-thick cold rolled steel plate, this square metal gasoline tank is resistant to rust and static electricity. The tank itself generates no static electricity and no spark will be generated even when the gasoline tank is encountered with external static electricity. Thus this is a reliable fuel container suitable for gasoline stations all around the world.
3. Having a green body with powder coating on the surface, our 20L square metal jerry can is beautiful and environmental.
4. With size of 360×260×320mm and net weight of 3.5kg, our 20L square fuel canister is convenient to be put in your car.