Home #50S Self-lubricating Spherical Bearing

#50S Self-lubricating Spherical Bearing


1. The #50S self-lubricating spherical bearing is universally applicable to the hydraulic ram, irrigation machinery, and the other heavy-duty machines. Unique structure allows the hydraulic ram bearing to withstand the radial load, thrust load, or a combined load.

#50S Self-lubricating Spherical Bearing

2. Our globe bearing generally has a copper exterior and a stainless steel interior. It can be designed with different materials in accordance with the requirements of our customers.

3. Please choose the part number via suitable inner diameter. Here is an example when inner diameter of the self-lubricating spherical bearing reaches 15mm.

Technical Data

Part No.Dimensions mmAlignment Angle α°Allowable Radial Load (kN)Allowable Thrust Load (kN)
#50S-01515 0.0180260-0.0131292286.50.5
#50S-02020 0.0210320-0.016161428412.61.4
#50S-03535 0.0250550-0.0193026495437.04.8
#50S-06060 0.03501000-0.025534590614316
#50S-09090 0.0180140"7665125"31336
#50S-130130 0.0400200"110951805880105
#50S-200200 0.0460290"13010025071434117
#50S-260260 0.0520370"15011032572072143

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