The cotton for our plastic cigarette filter is imported from Japan. Therefore, our product has ensured quality and can filter tar and other harmful substances. We also strictly control every step in production process, whereby the qualification rate of our product reaches over 99%.
1. Tar reduction. Absorbing tar, which comes with smoking, fastens the hardening process of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular. This is extremely bad for health. In a long-term run, our plastic cigarette filter screens out most of the tar, This only satisfies the smoking needs of customers, but also drastically reduces negative impacts.
2. Less phlegm production. Most of smokers are affected by chronic phlegm production. The good news is that our product is able to filters more than 80% of hazardous substances, which is a positive factor for the remission of this health problem.
3. Teeth protection. Smoking can turn teeth yellow or black, which is caused by certain chemicals in cigarette. Our cigarette butt screens these substances and effectively prevents teeth from becoming yellow or black.
4. Better taste. This filtering cigarette holder stops most of the particles and keeps them in the filter, then lets the smoke, which mainly contains aromatics, pass by. Therefore, the plastic cigarette filter makes the smoke more pure and mild.
KSF0001 plastic cigarette filterKSF0002 plastic cigarette filter
Material: Plastic
Size: 5.2×0.92 or 0.88cm