Home Magnetic Chip Conveyor

Magnetic Chip Conveyor

Our magnetic chip conveyor is effective with the task of iron powder removal.

1. The maximum amount of iron power that each group of magnetic materials can attract is no definite. Chip removal rate may vary according to the conveying speed as well as the space between every two groups of magnetic materials.
2. This series of conveyor is mainly used to cope with magnetizable stringy, coarse or powder chips.
3. It finds extensive use in the numeric control lathe, machining center, and modular machine tool production line.
4. The conveyor can be used in combination with other forms of chip removal devices and filters, so as to fulfill the requirements of the main machine tool, where cooling oil is unwanted.
5. Dimensions of machine parts as well as types of coolant tanks can be customized according to different cutting machines.

Magnetic Chip Conveyor
Model Specifications L L1 L2 A B H H1 H2 a
YSCB-100 ≤5M ≤L ≤7M ≥B 100 800 100 ≥100 0° 30° 45° 60° 75° 90°
YSCB-130 ≤8M ≤10M 130 ≥130
YSCB-170 ≤15M ≤18M 170 ≥170
YSCB-210 ≤25M ≤28M 210 ≥210

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Scrap Removal System | Metal Shop Tools | Factory Transfer Conveyor

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