We provide holding magnet of different shapes, such as square, disk-shaped and ring. The product is composed of permanent magnet, such as Alnico, NdFeB, and SmCo, and metal parts. It can be used in the steel parts or some items made of non-ferritic magnetic insulating materials, such as brass and aluminum.
Our product is also available in different colors, such as white, black, and gray. It can be plated with nickel or zinc or covered with rubber. Its special magnetic path enables it to concentrate or insulate the magnetic force within the target space.
1. The holding magnet has only one magnetic attraction surface. This can prevent further diffusion of the magnetic field. Hence, the mechanical components or other objects near this product will not be magnetized.
2. This product can remain permanently magnetic.
3. Its magnetism is only influenced by the external magnetic force or the rising temperature.
1. Do not expose the magnetic holder to radioactive radiation for a long time since the radiation will reduce the magnetic intensity.
2. Please make sure to use this product within the permissible operating temperature range. Otherwise, the magnetic intensity will be decreased.
Related Names
Pot Magnets | Electro Permanent Magnets | Single Sided Magnets