Home Small and Medium-Sized 3 Roll Plate Bending Machine

Small and Medium-Sized 3 Roll Plate Bending Machine

1. The small and medium-sized 3 roll plate bending machine features universal purpose upper roll, allowing for roll forming of different shapes, including O, U and R shapes.
2. For efficient and intelligent operation, the sheet metal rolling machine adopts a human-machine interface. This also contributes to lower labor cost, as only one operator is required.
3. The roll bender applies an innovative bending technique. That is, the sheet metal ends are pre-bended before continuous roll bending, and the bending process is digitally controlled. This ensures extra high precision.
4. Automatic bending compensation technique is applied.
5. To suit clients' application demands, this range of 3 roll plate bending machine is available in different types.

Small and Medium-Sized 3 Roll Plate Bending Machine

Technical Parameters
Model Pressure of upper roll (ton) Diameter of upper roll (mm) Diameter of lower roll (mm) Central distance (mm) Motor power (kW)
Driving motor Hydraulic motor Motor for motion
W11SNC-12×2000 65 250 145 200 5.5 4 0.75
W11SNC-16×2000 75 255 150 245 7.5 4 1.1
W11SNC-16×2500 100 300 165 270 15 5.5 1.5
W11SNC-20×2000 100 290 160 270 15 5.5 1.5
W11SNC-20×2500 130 330 180 300 15 5.5 2.2
W11SNC-20×3000 160 375 200 330 18.5 7.5 2.2
W11SNC-25×2500 190 380 220 360 22 7.5 4
W11SNC-25×3000 230 410 235 380 30 11 4
W11SNC-25×3500 230 440 235 380 30 11 4
W11SNC-30×2500 230 410 235 380 30 11 4
W11SNC-30×3000 270 450 250 400 30 11 4
W11SNC-30×3500 320 480 260 420 37 15 5.5
W11SNC-30×4000 380 550 275 460 45 22 5.5
W11SNC-35×2500 320 450 260 420 37 15 5.5
W11SNC-35×3000 380 500 275 460 45 22 5.5
W11SNC-40×2500 380 500 275 460 45 22 5.5
W11SNC-40×3000 430 540 290 500 55 22 7.5
W11SNC-40×3500 540 580 330 610 55 22 11
W11SNC-40×4000 540 630 340 610 55 22 11
W11SNC-45×2500 430 520 290 500 55 22 7.5
W11SNC-45×3000 540 590 340 610 55 22 11
W11SNC-45×4000 610 660 360 650 75 30 15
W11SNC-50×2500 540 580 340 610 55 22 11
W11SNC-50×3000 540 620 360 650 55 22 11
W11SNC-50×4000 690 700 380 700 75 30 15
W11SNC-50×5000 850 790 420 780 90 37 15
W11SNC-55×3000 610 620 360 650 75 30 15
W11SNC-55×4000 850 750 420 780 90 37 15
W11SNC-60×3000 690 650 380 700 75 30 15
W11SNC-60×3500 850 700 420 780 75 37 15
W11SNC-60×4000 930 780 440 820 90 37 15
W11SNC-60×5000 1050 840 460 880 90 37 18.5
W11SNC-70×3000 850 710 420 780 75 37 15
W11SNC-70×4000 1150 840 480 920 110 45 18.5
W11SNC-80×3000 1050 770 460 880 90 37 18.5
W11SNC-80×4000 1350 900 520 1000 110 45 22
W11SNC-90×3000 1150 800 480 920 110 45 18.5
W11SNC-100×3000 1350 860 480 920 110 45 22
W11SNC-100×4000 1600 940 560 1080 132 55 30
W11SNC-110×4000 1800 990 600 1120 150 55 37
W11SNC-120×3000 1800 900 580 1120 132 55 37
W11SNC-120×4000 2300 990 640 1280 150 75 37
W11SNC-150×3000 2300 1080 680 1280 150 75 45

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