Home Controlled Atmosphere Storage Control Equipment

Controlled Atmosphere Storage Control Equipment

The controlled atmosphere storage control equipment is the auto store ULO computer especially developed for CO2 scrubbers. Therefore the most modern techniques have been implemented. The auto store ULO computer can measure, control and record the temperature, CO2 and O2.

1. Reliable and frost-free sucking in of room air for O2 and CO2 measurement is carried out through scrubber pipes.
2. The auto ULO storage computer can automatically adjust the content of O2 and CO2 in each storage room to the desirable level.
3. The cold store leak stopping system is for leaky rooms.
4. The aeration and N2 injection are done through one central pipeline system.
5. This controlled atmosphere storage control equipment is chosen from 3 different systems which are Auto Store, Auto Store or Auto StoreTR.
6. The pre-absorbing program is beneficial for fine-tuning of the O2.
7. The ethylene-stop-system is great for advanced ethylene management.
8. The product is fitted with a portable or detachable high-quality O2 and CO2 analyzer.
9. It can measure the temperature maximally at five locations in each room.
10. Temperature regulation can be extended with various intelligent cooling regulation programs, like interval cooling, regulation, peak-watching, turning times.
11. Control equipment for CA storage is labor saving and easy to operate. It has many regulation and alarm functions, as well as supplies the operator a clear overview of the storage process.
12. All the above mentioned aspects guarantee the most economic and best possible storage results.

Controlled Atmosphere Storage Control Equipment

Important Reasons to Choose Auto Store
1. Economic Design
The auto store computer as well as the O2 and CO2 analyzer are integrated in the control cabinet of the CO2 scrubber, which makes the price more attractive.

2. Reliability and Continuity
The industrial PLC is applied in combination with self-developed hardware and software, which offers flexibility and security for the delivery of automation products. The most important components of automation are made by our company, offering continuity and security for services.

3. Time Saving and Better Storage Control
The auto store computer, serving as the CA storage control equipment, helps its user save a lot of time. The operator does not need to spend extra time on manual adjustments and daily manual measurement but he can have a clear overview of the situation. The auto computer offers an exact operation of the ULO or CA and cooling system by more regulation possibilities to keep the desired climate, which achieves better storage results.

Functions of Auto Store Program
1. O2 and CO2 Regulation
There is an O2 and CO2 analyzer connected with the auto store computer. This analyzer, developed by our own company, is either detachable or portable. It is placed in the switch board. The analyzing device can be used for carrying out regular manual measurements in the rooms. At the same time, the scrubber operates automatically based on the integration of a fixed O2 and CO2 analyzer. The analyzer sucks room air reliably without frost. The PLC processes this information for record and regulation.

2. O2 and CO2 Control
a. A selector switch for “Empty”/“Only measuring”/“Active O2/CO2” regulation of the room “
b. The scrubber is regulated automatically.
c. Settings are made for low oxygen operation.
d. Aeration is done for the room which has a too low O2 level.
e. Pre-absorbing program at “low” O2 rooms is used to assist “high “O2 rooms.
f. The O2 content can be reduced by external N2 generator.
g. Regulation of N2 transport system for automatic pull down.
h. The CA storage control equipment can make automatic regulation of the VSA mixing system.
i. A number of subsequent scrubbing actions are programmable.

Increasing Interest in Low O2 Control
For modern storage techniques, it becomes more and more important to store fruit at low O2 values. In many cases, the oxygen content is controlled at 1.2% or lower level as standard. This has higher demands for the gas tightness of rooms as well as the CA and ULO control technology. The combination of a self-developed CO2 scrubber, auto store regulation, cold store leak stopping system and optionally the VSA N2 generator, offers great possibilities to achieve and maintain low O2 values against minimum cost. There are many customers worldwide who use our controlled atmosphere storage control equipment and successfully achieve low O2 level.

Temperature Measuring and Recording
1. The auto store system is able to measure and record the temperature per room. Temperature measuring can be done at 5 locations in the room. For example, thermostat temperature, the temperature of air from the evaporator, etc.
2. Pt 100 temperature sensors of high quality (these are obsoleted artificially to prevent temperature differences in time)
3. If set values deflect, the alarm will be done.
4. The set and measured values can be printed out whenever wanted for an overview.

Temperature Control
1. The auto store computer can be equipped with an advanced cooling control program. The temperature of each room can be regulated differently in line with the actual conditions.
2. The control equipment regulates defrosting blowers with various capacities and such a regulation is carried out in winter.
3. The room can be automatically defrosted with electricity or hot gas.
4. Regulation, interval cooling, peak watching, turning times.
5. The alarm functions can be conducted via printer, acoustic signal, and modern or mobile phone.
6. We have made the temperature control integrated with the auto store program. Our company has been in good cooperation with various refrigeration companies concerning many fruit cold stores.

Ethylene Stop System
With the application of the ethylene stop system, the scrubber is equipped with one or two extra absorption vessels. Via the auto store program, you can assign each room a specific pair of absorption vessels by free programming. For example, all the rooms are with the No.1 pair, the pear rooms the No. 2 pair and the other varieties No.3 pair. Therewith, the transfer of the ethylene among the groups will be avoided. Via the auto store program, extra regeneration time can be adjusted.

1. Modem
A modem can be connected to the auto store system which gives the user the possibility of watching all kinds of information from a distance, concerning ULO or CA regulation and if necessary, of checking the measured values or making adjustments.

2. Printer Registration
The auto store system, a CA storage control equipment, is as standard delivered with a dot matrix printer. The user can set up the frequency in which he wants the overview to be printed out. The setting, measured values for O2 and CO2, temperature can be printed out in a clearly structured way.

3. Personal Computer
The auto store system can also be connected to a PC and a laser printer. This offers extra possibilities for graphically displaying the fluctuation of temperature, as well as O2 and CO2 values. Such a connection is also good for reproducing overviews of the settings and changed settings. Additionally, the PC offers possibilities for digital saving, processing, and measuring information.

Modem Connection
1. Withdrawing information, alterations, tuning regulation from distance
2. Print outlines of O2/CO2 temperature, operating times, advice and alarms
3. Extra season registration of all data
4. Graphics
5. Product data base
6. Extra monitoring and alarms

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CA System Controller Manufacturer | Agricultural Storage Automation | Storehouse Management

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