Home DWDM Back-to-Back Solution

DWDM Back-to-Back Solution


DWDM Back-to-Back Solution

业务西向 Westward data transmission

业务东向 Eastward data transmission

光纤符号 Optical fiber symbol

20KM衰减7db  Optical degradation of 7db/20km

业务 data transmission

The CWDM ring network solution adopts the back-to-back type networking method.  Each node has two transmission directions, and every two adjacent nodes could have 2-channel 4G, 2-channel 10G, and 4-channel GE data transmissions. We equip each node with an 8-channel 16-wave BIDI DWDM system. The DWDM system has the upgrade ports for transmission capacity expansion, so the user just need connect the interface card or passive equipment to the ports. The optical cable between each two adjacent nodes is 20km long, but the DWDM system we adopt has the enough optical transmission power for 40km length. Therefore, a part of optical transmission power will be redundant, and the redundant part can protect the optical cable from aging to a certain extent.

DWDM Back-to-Back Solution

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