Home Galvanized PC Strand

Galvanized PC Strand

Galvanized PC Strand

The galvanizedPC strand features a bright and tidy, solid, and corrosion resistant coating.Its steel wires are tightly and uniformly twisted. It is widely used in cablecarriers, stays, reinforced core, and overhead ground wires.
Key Parameterand Reference Standards


Nominal dia.(mm)

Tensile strength (MPa)



Seven wires in left- or right-twist

8.0, 9.3 9.53, 11.1 12.5, 12.7 15.2, 15.24 15.7


Low relaxation ≤2.5%



YB/T 152-99



This series of product is a 7-wire left-twist or right-twist galvanized PCstrand. It complies with the YB/T, 152-99, ASTM, and A641 standards, offering 9diameter options including 8.0mm,9.3mm, 9.53mm, 11.1mm, 12.5mm, and 12.7mm with tensile strengthof 1770MPa or 1860MPa. Its production process is strictly monitored andcontrolled to ensure a good glossiness of the zinc coating and a solidconnection between the galvanized coating and steel wires. In addition, thegalvanized PC rope is parallel to stainless steel rope in corrosion resistantperformance,

Galvanized PC Strand

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