Home U-Tube




Our customized stainlessU-tube is extensively applicable for the heat exchanger system. It is designedfor heat exchanger which is used for high temperature applications like steamcondensing or hot oil systems. In addition, the heat exchanger with thestainless tube plays an essential role in the vitally important areas likenuclear and petrochemical machine building. Customized service is available.




ASTM A688/A688M.08; ASTM A803/A803M; ASTM A556/A556M/ASME SA556; ASME SA 688


O.D.: 15.8, 16.0, 17.0, 18.0, 19.05, 20.0, 21.3, 25.4, 26.7, 31.8, 38.1

Bending radius: 1. 5xO.D.- 1500mm

Max. Length: 24000mm

Customized sizes are available.

Basic Testing and processing

1. High Pressure Hydrostatic Test: Minimum: 10Mpa -25Mpa.

2. Air under Water Test After bending

3. U Tubes Wall Thickness Test

4. Eddy Current Test before U bend Formed

5.UItrasonic Test before U bend Formed

6.Heat Treatment to Stress Relieved

7.Ball Passing Test

Remark: The dimensions for heat exchanger tubes in special grades may differ from the above, please contact us.

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