TinplateMilk Can
In recentyears, complaints about the taste change and deterioration of liquid milk havetaken place sometimes, and the consumer’s benefit and health are damaged.Several factors contribute to this phenomenon, and the packaging material is animportant reason. Plastic composite membrane is usually used to contain theliquid milk, and its oxygen separation property is far from satisfaction whichmeans that oxygen can get into the package easily and ruin the protein.Meanwhile, glass bottle, plastic bottle and others are also applied. Thesekinds of packages have better gas tightness when compared with the plasticcomposite membrane, but they lack light shielding effect. Light can induce thechange of protein, and a lot of vitamin C is also damaged. The most safe andreliable package is tinplate milk can. It has good gas tightness, barrier property, and lightshielding effect. With the help of this product, the nutritional ingredientsare well preserved, and the milk can be kept fresh.