Home Tin Coin Box

Tin Coin Box

Tin Coin Box

TinCoin Box

Ceramic,plastic and iron coin boxes, which one is the best? Ceramic type has manystyles, but it is usually used to store coins only. In addition, most of themdon’t have openings, and user must break the box to get the stored money, sothe ceramic one can’t be complete all the time. On the other hand, most of theplastic boxes are not convenient to keep paper money which is the same asceramic type, and it is not easy to get the stored money though an opening isset. This tin coin box avoids the shortcomings of these two types. It has a lid, and a lock isequipped on the outer side. When it is full, user can open the lid to get moneywhich is very convenient. Thus, there is no need to destroy our product. Tinplateis also able to be produced into coin boxes with different patterns and uniqueappearances. So, don’t hesitate to choose tinplate to produce coin box!

Tin Coin Box

Related Names
Tin Penny Bank | Tin Coin Bank


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