CandyTin Box
Candy bringsus sweet, and the candy box can give us more surprises! This product is made of tinplate, and variousappearances can be achieved due to the good printing property of tinplate. Ourproduct is especially suitable for paint and ink printing, so the merchant candesign and print colorful words and patterns on the box freely to promote hisproduct. Meanwhile, our candy tin box is suitable for collection, andafter the candy is finished off, it can work as a storage container which isbeautiful and practical. In order to improve the adhesive force between tinprinting ink and tinplate, white coating for tinplate should be carried outbefore printing. White is the fundamental color of all images, and it has highbrightness. When other colors are printed, white color can increase thebrightness of other hues to form color level, so the printed colors are brightand attractive. Our candy tin box has delicate appearance which raises thetaste of goods greatly, and it can draw the attention of potential buyer, nomatter he is child or adult.
Related Names
Tinplate Candy Box | Tinplate Can for Sweet