GreaseTin Barrel
Light willinduce and accelerate the oxidation reaction of grease which results in thereduction of nutritional value, and harmful substance may be produced. What isworse, greasy vitamin is damaged as well. On the other hand, oxygen in the airalso promotes the oxidation reaction of grease, and ruins protein. Glass,plastic and other materials allow the transmission of light, and excellent airtightness is also difficult to achieve for them. Compared with these products, ourgrease tin barrel has some excellent advantages. Tinplate is made of metal, andit is light proof, so light can’t shine on the grease. Our product can isolate the inner space fromambient environment completely, and air is stopped from getting into thecontainer. The outstanding opaqueness and barrier property of this product makeit the perfect choice for manufacturing grease barrels.
Related Names
Grease Tin | Grease Tin Can