Gantry Flame Straight Strip Cutting Machine
Gantry flame straightstrip cutting machine is equipped with 1 set of transversal torch which is usedfor transversal straight strip cutting and several sets of longitudinal torchesused for longitudinal straight strip cutting. Transversal torch is on the frontside of the machine and longitudinal torches are on the auxiliary beam. Thisprevents deformation of strips and improves production efficiency.
DC single drive is adopted and provides high quality power. Electrical controlsystem can guarantee automatic and stable operation. And high precision gearrack transmission ensures a high machine operation precision. Besides, advancedKorean hardware and software are installed to improve performance. In fact, ourgantry flame straight strip cutting machine cutting precision is in accordancewith German DIN2310 standard and our company also holds CE certification. Andour high quality gantry flame straight strip cutting machine is widely used inthe strip cutting of steel structure and shipbuilding industry due to its highproduction efficiency and low cost.
Technical Specifications
Flame straight strip cutting machine is a kind of high efficiency gas flamecutting equipment whose cutting fuel is oxygen or acetylene. It can cut severaltimes at the same time and is ideal for strip cutting of different carbonsteel, manganese steel and other metal materials. Our company can providecustomers with a series of gantry flame straight cutting machines equipped withItalian FITT gas hose and Italian CEME magnetic valve. So flame cutting tolerance can bevery small and machine cutting quality is in accordance with ChineseJB/T10045.4-1999 and German DIN2310.