Home Truck LED Display Screen

Truck LED Display Screen

Truck LED Display Screen

Truck LED Display Screen

Because our truck LEDdisplay screen is installed in vehicles, there are many additionalrequirements. Therefore we have applied many technical improvements to makesure that it’s perfectly qualified for mobile display. First of all ourtruck LED display screen adopts ultra-thin cabinets which are made of aluminumalloy, thusly light and easy to install, so it won’t burden your car or take uptoo much space. Secondly it’s quipped with special anti-static devices whichprotect the LED and the driver IC from being damaged by the high static thatcould be generated when the car is in motion. Thirdly it’s compatible with awide range of voltage, so it’s won’t be damaged by the high impulse voltagethat happens when the car stars and stops.
Our truck LED display screen also adopts a ventilation system of channels,thusly reducing the use of fans and noisy pollution. Even when there is toomuch heat, a high-quality fan which generates little noise would add in to helpwith the dissipation. With a protection grade of IP65, it can work normally inall kinds of weathers.

Truck LED Display Screen

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