Luxury Box Inkjet Printing Machine
Our luxury box inkjetprinting machine owns superior mechanical components, including first class inkmonitoring and alarming system which indicates the status of ink inside by shrinkingLED and noise, DETLA branded 400W AC servo motor, HIWIN linear guide trail fromTaiwan or THK silent slide way from Japan, automatic and skew adjustingcharging and discharging system, optional external far-infrared dryer and LED benchlamp, suction device under bench which can flat the moving material toavoid the friction with print head, three sections of pre-heater, heater andpost-heater which makes ink more compatible with media and enhance imagedurability, height adjustable print head, auto-protect device which can suckback the ink over the level of secondary ink tank and keep the print head wet,In addition our luxury box inkjet printer also features rip edge printingfunction from URTAL RIP software, Teflon treated surface and horizontal typefor easier operation.