120 Piece Yellow Hand Tool Set
The 120piece yellow hand tool set has pieces made of forged carbon steel. Nowadays,not just men are in the task of fix. At home or at work, even as professionals,women can be employees in a maintenance department, and this tool set has beendesigned for them. The 120 piece yellow hand tool set has a modern andfashionable design along with pieces like pliers, knife, tweezer, bits andprecision screwdriver among others. The user feels comfortable with theirappearance, perfect grip with great handles and good performance with highquality tools.
Details of the 120 Piece YellowHand Tool Set
Model: LB-193
8 pcs - Hex key with plastic handle
1 piece - Diagonal pliers
1 piece - Long nose pliers
30 pcs- Bits with plastic handle
1 piece - Knife
1 piece - Tweezer
9 pcs - Sockets with plastic handle
1 piece - PVC tape (or terminals)
1 piece - Bit driver
61 pcs - Fasteners with box
6 pcs - Precision screwdriver
Package of the 120 Piece Yellow Hand Tool Set
Six sets are packed in one carton. Sleeve color design is available to sale itas promotion or to offer it as a gift. Quantities more than 3000, the logo isprinted without charge.