Trach Gauze Sponge
The trach gauze sponge is made with 100% cotton absorbent gauze with fine meshand no loose threads. It passed standards for USP, BP and EP and is flexible, speciallydesigned to absorb with minimal sticking to the wound. This is a disposableproduct mainly used for medical purposes in surgeries, wound treatments,tracheotomies and general care. It comes in multiple gauzemeshes, sewed or cut, in Y or I shapes. The trach gauze sponge can be non-sterile or sterile and is suitable forsterilization after purchased. Paper-paper or paper-film pouch andblister packs are available.
Size and Package Specifications of the Trach Gauze Sponge
100% cotton
4" x 4" – 12 ply 200 pcs/bag, 10 bags/case
4" x 4" – 16 ply 200 pcs/bag,10 bags/case
4" x 4" – 16 ply 1's,25pouches/box, 12 boxes/case
Custom-made weight, package andother specifications are available.
LaparotomySponge,,,health care supplies。medical sponge,,,,,,,。
trachgauze sponge manufacturer and supplier,。,、、,,。3(Y、i、ǒ)16(:,,)。、、,60,。