Home Copper Sulfate

Copper Sulfate

Copper Sulfate


IUPAC name:copper sulfate
CAS number: 7758-98-7
Other names: cupric sulfate, blue vitriol (pentahydrate), bluestone (pentahydrate), bonattite (trihydrate mineral), boothite (heptahydrate mineral), chalcanthite (pentahydrate mineral), chalcocyanite (mineral); Copper (II)sulfate anhydrous; cupric sulfate anhydrous; Coppersulfateanhydrousgreenpowder;Copper sulphate; copper(2 ) sulfate hydrate (1:1:5);Coppersulfate; Sulfuric acid, copper salt; copper(2 )sulfate; Copper(II)sulfate
Molecular formula: CuSO4 (anhydrous), CuSO4·5H2O(pentahydrate)
Molar mass: 159.62 g/mol(anhydrous), 249.70 g/mol(pentahydrate)
Appearance: blue crystal (pentahydrate),pale green or gray-white powder (anhydrous)
Density: 3.603 g/cm3(anhydrous), 2.284 g/cm3 (pentahydrate)
Melting point: 110 °C (·4H2O), 150 °C (423K) (·5H2O), < 650 °C decompose
Solubility: soluble in water and methanol, insoluble in ethanol

Copper sulfate is a naturally-occurring inorganic salt and copper is anessential trace element in plant and animal nutrition. It is also a fungicideused to control bacterial and fungal diseases of fruit, vegetable, nut andfield crops. Some of the diseases that are controlled by this fungicide includemildew, leaf spots, blights and apple scab. It is used in combination with limeand water as a protective fungicide, referred to as Bordeaux mixture, for leafapplication and seed treatment. It is also used as an algaecide, an herbicidein irrigation and municipal water treatment systems, and as a molluscicide, a material used torepel and kill slugs and snails.

Copper sulfate could beused to cure copper deficiency, or as emetic for livestock. As nutritionsupplement, it has high biological value, and is easy to be absorbed. Promotingthe growth and health of animals, it is really vital in many actions of body.

Being a relatively benign and cheap reagent, copper sulfate attracts manyapplications. In inorganic field, it is used to make other feeding salt likeCuprous chloride, copper chloride and phosphoric acid copper, cuprous oxide,copper acetate, copper carbonate, etc. As analytical reagent, it is used in Fehling's solution and Benedict'ssolution to test for reducing sugars, which reduce the soluble blue copper(II)sulfate to insoluble red copper(I) oxide. Copper sulfate is also used in the Biuret reagent to test forproteins. It is also used to test blood for anemia. The blood is tested bydropping it into a solution of copper sulfate of known specific gravity – bloodwhich contains sufficient hemoglobin sinks rapidly due to its density, whereasblood which does not, floats or sinks less rapidly. In a flame test, its copperions emit a deep blue-green light, much more blue than the flame test forbarium.

Copper sulfate is employed in organic field, it could be catalyst in process of synthesizing intermediate for flavors anddye. The anhydrous salt catalyses the transacetylation in organic synthesis. The hydrated salt reacts with potassium permanganate togive an oxidant for the conversion of primary alcohols. Copper sulfate can alsobe used as a mordant in vegetable dyeing. It is used to make monoazo dye like reactivebrilliant blue, and it often highlights the green tints of the specific dyes.

Copper Sulfate

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