Bacterial protein isa protein which is either part of the structure of a , or produced bya bacterium as part of its life cycle. Proteins are an important part of allliving organisms, animals and bacteria are no exception. A great deal ofresearch on bacterial proteins has been proved its advantages.
Our bacterialprotein is a novel high-protein feed ingredient. It is produced by continuousbacterial fermentation using a defined mixture of different bacteria (withoutsalmonella) and natural gas as the carbon and energy source. The product is areddish/brownish nondusty meal containing 60% crudeprotein on a dry matter basis and a nutritionally well-balanced amino acidcomposition. The amino acids of bacterial protein mealare well digested by several animal species, including mink, Atlantic salmon,pigs, young chicks, etc. Recent studies have shown that bacterial protein mealis suitable as a major protein source in diets for weanling and slaughter pigs.
Bacterialprotein meal offers a potential alternative to fish meal, meat and bone meal,soybean meal, and other vegetable protein sources in animal nutrition. Inexperiments with minks, chickens, and pigs it has been shown that up to 40%(minks), 20% (chickens), and 50% (pigs) of dietary N can be supplied bybacterial protein meal without affecting nitrogen retention, heat production,and energy retention. Similarly, production experiments with chickens and pigshave shown that up to one third (chickens) and 50% (pigs) of the N can bederived from bacterial protein meal without negative effects on animalperformance and production traits.
Compared to fish meal, the content of RNA and DNA is high in bacterial protein meal.The amino acid pattern of bacterial protein meal is similar to that of fishmeal, except for somewhat lower lysine and higher tryptophan contents. Compared to soybean meal, in bacterial protein meal the methionine content is slightly higher and cysteine is slightly lower, resulting in a higher totalcombined content of methionine and cysteine in bacterial protein meal than in soybean meal.From the above, we can see that bacterial protein meal could decrease the cost.
Recommend dosages are 50 to 60g for cattle, 40 to 50g for pigs,30 to 60 for chicken, ducks and geese, 30 to 40g for rabbits, pigeons and other birds, 120 to 180g for fish and shrimp, 120 to 150g for crabs and 150 to 200g for eels. For more information, pleaselet us know.