Home Choline Chloride 98% Crystal

Choline Chloride 98% Crystal

Choline Chloride 98% Crystal

Choline Chloride 98% Crystal

Name: choline chloride
IUPAC name: 2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminiumchloride, (2-hydroxyethyl)trimethylammonium chloride, (β-Hydroxyethyl)trimethylammonium chloride
CAS number: 67-48-1
Molecular formula: HOCH2CH2N(CH3)3Cl
Molecular weight: 139.63
Solubility in water:very solute(more than 650g/l)
Appearance: white crystalline solid

Our product choline chloride 98% crystal not only offers a high purity up to 98% but also best quality. 2% dryingloss at most, no more than 300ppm TMA, no more than20.0ppm heavy metal and other properties you could think of are ensured.Besides, about particle size, at least 98% of the product could pass 20mesh. Choline chloride hasneither explosive nor oxidizing properties due to its molecular structure.

Choline chloride is thesalt of the naturally occurring choline,the pre-stage of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is important formnemonic and thought-processes. Choline occurs naturally in fungi, hop and kingcups and as integral part of lecithin.It is a common food additive in animal husbandry. Choline chloride is mass produced and is animportant additive in feed especially for chickens where it accelerates growth.In fact, it has prominence effects on improving the quality and quantity ofeggs and meat. On the contrary, shortage of choline results to fatty liver diseases, retardedgrowth, reduced egg-laying rate and increased mortality. Besides, choline chloride is also used asintermediate of biology medicine and pesticide.

Animal studies with choline chloride show a low acute toxicity after oral uptake (with a range of LD50s of3150 –≥5000 mg/kg bw determined in different studies). No acute toxicity attributable to choline was observed in humansfollowing oral doses of ≥3000 mg choline magnesium trisalicylate/day.Evidence from animal studies and from human exposure indicates that choline chloride has lowtoxicity, is not mutagenic and has no developmental toxicity. This is notunexpected in view of its presence in the diet and its production in metabolicprocesses in the body. It fulfils key roles in nerve transmission, cellmembrane integrity, and lipid metabolism.

Limited animal data are available on effects on fertility, but the normalexposure of humans to appreciable amounts of choline chloride both from the diet and formed fromnormal metabolic processes, would argue against it having any significantadverse effects on fertility. This is supported by the fact that it has beenwidely used as an animal feed additive for decades with no apparent adverseeffects being noted on fertility. Choline chloride is readily biodegradable according to OECD-criteria (MITI-I Test; BOD measurements)reaching 93 % degradation within 14 days.

The choline chloride 98%crystal should be stored in cool, ventilated place where it can be kept fromwater as well as the high temperature. Besides, it should be equipped withdehumidification equipment for its hygroscopicity.To ensure the activity, you had better use it in 15 months. The product ispacked with plastic lining or white P.P .bag, 25kg in one bag. Offering best service, weguarantee that it could be shipped in 15 workingdays.

Choline Chloride 98% Crystal

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