Soda Ash Light
Ingredient: sodium carbonate
CAS number: 497-19-8
Other names: Sodium carbonate anhydrous; Sodiumcarbonate solution; soda ash; disodium carbonate;Sodium carbonate-12C, 13C-depleted; calcined soda; Carbonic acid disodium salt; Sodium carbonate,high-purity; Sodium carbonate,dense;SODA ASH LIGHT; Anhydrous Sodium carbonate
Molecular formula: Na2CO3
Molar mass: 105.9784 g/mol(anhydrous)
Appearance: white solid, hygroscopic
Density: 2.54 g/cm3(anhydrous), 2.25 g/cm3 (monohydrate), 1.51 g/cm3 (heptahydrate), 1.46 g/cm3 (decahydrate)
Solubility in water: 7 g/100 mL (0 °C), 21.6 g/100mL (20 °C), 450 g/L (100 °C)
Solubility: insoluble in ethanol, acetone
Bulk density of soda ash dense: 500kg/m³
Soda ash, also known aswashing soda and soda crystals, is named sodium carbonate in chemistry. Sodaash light is actually anhydrous sodium carbonate, which is a sodium salt ofcarbonic acid. It is especially suitable for the area of food, smelting,detergent and so on.
Sodium carbonate is very widely used in many kinds of areas. In glassmanufacture, when combined it with silica and calcium carbonate and heated tohigh temperatures, then cooled rapidly, glass is produced. Sodium carbonate isalso used as a relatively strong base in various settings. For example, sodiumcarbonate is used as a pH regulator to maintain stable alkaline conditionsnecessary for the action of the majority of photographic developing agents. Itacts as a very good conductor in the process of electrolysis. It is also usedas a primary standard for acid-base titrations because it is solid andair-stable, making it easy to weigh accurately.
As a food additive, sodium carbonate is used as an acidity regulator,anti-caking agent, raising agent, and stabilizer. As a bonding agent in casting,it is used to allow wet alginate to adhere to gelled alginate. As a foamingagent and an abrasive, sodium carbonate is used in toothpastes, where it actsand to temporarily increase mouth pH. As a water softener, it is used in watertreatment formulations. In textile industry, it is used as a pre-treatment oftextile fibers for dyeing. In daily life, sodium carbonate could effectivelyremove oil, grease, and alcohol stains. It is also used as a descaling agent in boilers suchas those found in coffee pots, espresso machines, etc.
We produce sodium carbonate in large quantities from salt (sodium chloride) andlimestone according to the Solvay process. At the bottom of the tower, calcium carbonate (limestone) was heatedto release carbon dioxide:
CaCO3 → CaO CO2
At the top, a concentrated solution of sodium chloride and ammonia entered thetower. As the carbon dioxide bubbled up through it, sodium bicarbonateprecipitated:
NaCl NH3 CO2 H2O → NaHCO3 NH4Cl
The sodium bicarbonate was then converted to sodium carbonate by heating it,releasing water and carbon dioxide:
2 NaHCO3 → Na2CO3 H2O CO2
Meanwhile, the ammonia was regenerated from the ammonium chloride byproduct bytreating it with the lime (calcium hydroxide) left over from carbon dioxidegeneration:
CaO H2O →Ca(OH)2
Ca(OH)2 2 NH4Cl → CaCl2 2 NH3 2 H2O
This way recycles its ammonia, so the process consumes only brine andlimestone, and has calcium chloride as only waste product.
Soda ash light is available in 25kg bags or other packages according to the client. Full-time quality controldepartments are utilized at each of our plants. Perfect production system andcomplete quality monitor and control system areprovided, thus ensures best quality of each product. Offering you loweroperating costs, improved reliability, better environmental compliance andincreased process efficiency, we are your choice.