Vitamin B2,Riboflavin
CAS number: 83-88-5
Other names: Lactoflavine;Vitamin B2 (Riboflavine); Riboflavin Vitamin B2; E101; Riboflavin (1.07609); Riboflavine; Vitamin B2Feed Grade; Vitamin B_2; Vitamin B2; Riboflavin (VB2);1-deoxy-1-(7,8-dimethyl-2,4-dioxo-3,4-dihydrobenzo[g]pteridin-10(2H)-yl)pentitol;5-deoxy-5-(7,8-dimethyl-2,4-dioxo-3,4-dihydrobenzo[g]pteridin-10(2H)-yl)-D-ribitol;1-deoxy-1-(7,8-dimethyl-2,4-dioxo-3,4-dihydrobenzo[g]pteridin-10(2H)-yl)-D-ribitol; VITAMIN G
Molecular formula: C17H20N4O6
Molar mass: 376.36 g mol−1
Vitamin B2,known as riboflavin, is an easily absorbed micronutrient with a key role inmaintaining health in humans and animals. Constructed of flavine, which is attached to a sugaralcohol, it is formed by the reduction of ribose called ribitol. And it is a water-solublevitamin. Riboflavin is primarily absorbed in the proximal small intestine by asodium dependent carrier. Within cells, vitamin B2 is converted to its coenzymeforms, regulated by hormones, such as the thyroid hormone. These coenzymes,than bind to apoenzymes forming what is called a flavoprotein.FMN and FAD (flavoproteins) are theprinciple forms of riboflavin. They are coenzymes, and used in several actions,particularly in the oxidation of agents, vital for many process to occur.
Like thiamin, vitamin acts as a coenzyme in the breakdown offats, proteins, carbs, andother nutrients. It helps fatty acid reduction and choline catabolism. Italso helps in releasing energy from carbohydrates. It is required for neurotransmitter (such asdopamine, and others) oxidation. It is necessary for catabolism of nutrients inthe liver. Vitamin helps vitamin B6 in many reactions, as it is often FMN dependent. It alsoassists eye and skin maintenance. Above all, vitaminB2 is important for body growth, reproduction and red cell production.
Deficiencycauses ariboflavinosis. Thesesymptoms can include cracks in the lips, high aggrevation andsensitivity to sunlight, inflammation of the tongue, hyperemia, and swelling ofthe pharyngeal (throat). Extreme lack of riboflavin may slow the synthesisof the coenzyme form of vitamin B6 and niacin synthesis (later discussed withinthis article). Conditions and populations associated with increased need forriboflavin intake are many. Deficiency often occurs with heart disease, somecancers, thyroid disease, and excess alcohol intake.
We providehigh quality vitamin B2. Recommended dosage is 0.2mg in 100g wheat, 0.9-095mg in 100g milk product. For soy sauce is25-40mg/L. vitamin B2 should be stored in cool ventilated place. Keep away fromlight.