Home Vitamin B6, Pyridoxine

Vitamin B6, Pyridoxine

Vitamin B6, Pyridoxine

VitaminB6, Pyridoxine

Vitamin B6, alsoknown as pyridoxine, plays a role in the creation of antibodies in the immunesystem. It helps maintain normal nerve function and acts in the formation ofred blood cells. It is also required for the chemical reactions of proteins.The higher the protein intake, the more need there is for vitamin B6.

Pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) is theactive form and is a cofactor in many reactions of amino acid metabolism,including transamination, deamination,and decarboxylation. It also is necessary for theenzymatic reaction governing the release of glucose from glycogen.

For digestion to occur,vitamin b must be broken down, and separated into its 3 main componentspyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine.This occurs in the intestinal brush border, via enzymatic reactions. Absorptionoccurs primarily in the jejunum (middle portion of small intestine, connectswith the duodenum (first portion) and the ileum (last portion) of the smallintestine) by passive diffusion. In the intestine, PN is converted to pyridoxine phosphate (PNP), PL is converted to pyridoxal phosphate (PLP), andPNP is often converted to PLP, while PM remains thesame, and composes about 15% of the vitamers in theblood. 60% of vitamin b 6 found in the blood is PLP.In order for PLP to cross the cell membrane it mustbe broken down to PL. The liver stores approximately 10% of vitamin b 6, whilemuscles store the most at 80%. Other storage houses are the kidneys, brain, andred blood cells.

Vitamin B6 acts as a coenzyme for approximately 100 essential chemicalreactions. These include protein and glycogen metabolism, proper action ofsteroid hormones, pyruvate production, production ofred blood cells and much more. It assists in many decarboxylation reactions (removal of carboxyl group) for the production of several compoundssuch as glutamate (major neurotransmitter of the central nervous system). Italso is of great use to the immune system in that it helps hemoglobinproduction and increases the amount of O2 carried by it. Also, it assists whiteblood cell production, all of which is vital for your health. In all, vitaminB6 is essential for cellular functions and growth due to its involvement inimportant metabolic reactions.
Pyridoxine is additionally responsible for the synthesis of many compounds. Forexample, niacin depends on a PLP dependant reactionto be broken down. Others required by Pyridoxine for synthesis are amino acid histidine, carnitine, nitrogencontaining compounds, CoA and glycine taurine, dopamine, and helps regulateneurotransmitters, playing a major role in the nervous system.

Signs of deficiency are fatigue, glossitis (soretongue) sleepiness, dermatitis (skin inflammation), neurological problems, eyeproblems, seizers, kidney and heart diseases, and convulsions in infants. Tryptophan and niacin synthesis will be slowed as well. Peoplemore likely to be deficient in this are infants, old people, excessive alcoholconsumption, those on a variety of drugs, and certain medical conditions. High proteinintake and stress may inhibit this as well. Also, a deficiency in B6 has beenshown to increase the amino acid homocysteine foundin the blood.

We provide high quality vitamin B6 at a preferable price. The product
shouldbe stored in cool, ventilated place where it can be kept from water as well asthe high temperature. It is packed in special cases, 25kg a case.

Vitamin B6, Pyridoxine

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