CausticSoda Pearl
Ingredient: sodium hydroxide
CAS number: 1310-73-2
Other names: Sodium hydroxide; Caustic soda; lye,caustic; sodium hydrate; soda lye; white caustic; caustic soda flakes; flakecaustic; caustic soda solid; caustic soda pearls; solid caustic soda; LiquidCaustic Soda; Food Additives Sodium Hydroxide; Caustic soda flake; Solid Sodiumhydroxide
Molecular weight: 40.01
Chemical formula: NaOH.
As white solid, caustic soda pearl is a form of sodium hydroxide, which is astrongly alkaline caustic. The form makes it easy to pour and use. And it isparticularly suitable for lab. As a strong base, sodium hydroxide is very widely used by the chemicalindustry, in many scenarios where it is desirable to increase the alkalinity ofa mixture, or to neutralize acids. So the caustic soda pearl is suitablefor use in many applications like manufacturing soap, paper, aluminium, various sodium compounds and detergents,for pH regulation, and for organic synthesis.
Sodium hydroxide is also frequently used as an industrial cleaning agent whereit is often called caustic. It is added to water, heated, and then used toclean the process equipment, storage tanks, etc. It can dissolve grease, oils,fats and protein based deposits. It is also used for cleaning waste dischargepipes under sinks and drains in domestic properties.
Food uses of sodium hydroxide include washing or chemical peeling of fruits andvegetables, chocolate and cocoa processing, caramel coloring production,poultry scalding, soft drink processing, and thickening ice cream. Olives areoften soaked in sodium hydroxide for softening; or, if soaked longer, fortransformation into black olives.
Caustic soda pearl should be kept in tightly closed and properly labeledcontainers. Do not store in aluminum container or use aluminum fittings asflammable hydrogen gas can be produced. Use in the areas with adequateventilation. Avoid breathing dust and wear personal protective clothing andequipment.