Reefer Container
The reefercontainer has good thermal insulation and gastight performance. Due to itsability of keeping low temperature, reefer container can be used intransportation and storage of perishable food like meat or fruits. The suitabletemperature needed by cargos and the technical condition of refrigeration plantmust be supervised to merchandise successful delivery.
The reefer container falls into several types such as insulated container, internal reefer container, external reefer container, liquid nitrogen and dry icereefer container, plate refrigerator reefer container, air adjustment reefercontainer and other types.
The reefer container uses agalvanized steel structure. The container wall, roof panel, floor plate and door are made of metalcomposite board, aluminum plate, stainless steel plate and polyester. The sizeand performance of the reefer container is internationally standardized. The working temperature of a reefer container ranges from -30℃ to 12℃ and a more universal range is from -30℃ to 20℃.Itcan’t be higher than -18℃ when transporting frozen cargos.
The reefer container hasfast speed in loading and unloading and can be used in various vehicles. The transportation time is short and the cost islow. Additionally, the temperature inside reefer container is stablecontributing to environmental safety. It can betransported by sea or land.
An empty reefer container can be 31.3℃/h.Depending on ambience temperature, cargos and container itself, cooling cargocould take from 15 hours to 2 days. After getting to the setting data at 18℃±3℃,the temperature inside the container must be kept stable. When calculating thetemperature rising rate without cooling, the following experience formula canbe used:
0.0054*(tw-tn) ℃/h forrefrigeration cargo
0.0067*(tw-tn) ℃/h forfrozen cargo.
tw and tn respectively refersto the outer temperature and the temperature inside the container.
The reefercontainer can be transportedin combined ways through various vehicles. It transports from producing area tothe market and also delivers national or international cargo. In somecondition, reefer container can be used as mobile refrigeration house. Thewhole reefer container can be lifted, giving a high loading andunloading efficiency and low transportation cost. New types of reefer containerare developing lately with advanced structure and improved technicalperformance.
When using reefercontainer, some requirements should be followed like checking original quality refrigerated or frozen cargo andcarefully load and unload products because a short circuit can modifytemperature. Also, in long distance transportation of refrigeration cargo, thedifference between setting temperature and true temperature cannot be more than 3℃.
When transporting frozen cargo, the difference cannot be more than 0.5℃.An air-vent must be opened time to time to allow airflowing when fresh fruit and vegetable are being transported. Finally, thereefer container must be ventilated according to the outer temperature andhumidity when transporting cargo packed in paper boxes. This measure keepsboxes dry and prevents the dew formation on their outside surface.