Special Saw Blade
1. Scoring Circular TCT SawBlade
The scoring circular TCTsaw blade is specially designed to slot at the bottom of different kinds ofveneers including cork, hardwood, cut deal, shaving board, single-side veneeredshaving board, two-side veneered shaving board, two-side plastic veneeredshaving board, single-side veneered MDF board, plywood, fibre board, etc.
Avoiding the crack of veneers and featured by a high precision and a sharpcutting edge. The scoring circular TCT saw blade is widely applied in precision table saws, reciprocating saws, electronicmaterial saws and other cutting equipments of decoration,construction and engineering industries. The scoring circular TCT saw blade canbe used with one blade or two blades in a pile.
With the help of gaskets, height of the saw blades can be adjusted to make thecutting width of them consistent with the main saw. For example, with fivegaskets, two of 0.1 mm and three of 0.21 mm and two 1.41 mm blades, you canachieve a thickness of 3.21 mm by piling up the two blades and two 0.2 mmgaskets, 1.4*2 0.2*2=3.2 1 mm.
Note that workers must wear shields,helmets, working boots and safety goggles before using the scoring circular TCTsaw blade. Gloves are not allowed and long hair must be put in the helmets.Also watch out the tie and cuff to avoid being intertwined or drawn into themachine. When the saw blade is under maximum operation speed, it must bestopped as soon as abnormal noise is heard or any shock occurred. Checking themachine when the cutting surface is no longer smooth or smells strange willprevent accidents. We suggest hanging the scoring circular TCT saw blade on dryshelves instead of moist places after using. Placing these tools flat on thefloor or shelves may lead to deformation of the blades.
Specifications of the Scoring Circular TCT Saw Blade
Item No. | D-mm | B-mm | d-mm | z |
WSZ120024U | 120 | 2.8-3.6 | 20/22 | 12 12 |
WSH120024U | 120 | 3.0-4.0 | 20/22 | 24 |
WSH125024U | 125 | 4.3-5.3 | 22 | 24 |
WSH160040U | 160 | 3.4-4.3 | 30 | 40 |
WSH180040U | 180 | 3.4-4.3 | 30 | 40 |
WSH200036U | 200 | 5.4-6.0 | 45 | 36 |
As aspecialized scoring circular TCT saw blade manufacturer based in China, BOSUNalso provides universal steel cutting saw blade, concrete blade, floor grindingmachine, PCD cup wheel and more.
2. TCT Saw Blade for Chipboard, MDF, Laminated Board
The TCT saw blade forchipboard, MDF, laminated board is professionally designed to cut MDF, HDF,laminated board, shaving board and other materials, according to hardness andother characteristics. As the tungsten carbide is sintered by pulverous hardmaterials and filler, it has better abrasion-resistant performance compared tocommon steel and excellent rigidity even under high temperature. The TCTsaw blade for chipboard, MDF, laminated board is made of tungsten carbide byBOSUN with a high processing precision and superb cutting effect. It is widelyused by board manufacturer and furniture companies.
Adaptive to precision table saws and automatic edger,the cutting surface of timber is smooth and clean, without burrs or damage tothe edge. There are some do’s and don’ts that need attention to maintain a longservice life of the TCT saw blade for chipboard, MDF, laminated board. Thefirst is that the saw blade should be placed in a flat way or hung up through its inner hole with no other objects on it when it is notused. Footstep, moisture and corrosion must be avoided on the TCT saw blade forchipboard, MDF, laminated board.
When the saw blade is no longer sharp, it has to be grinded again. The originalangle of the segments and the dynamic balance must be unchanged. Themodification of the inner bore and the process of locating holes must beconducted by BOSUN because inappropriate process would affect its performanceand even cause danger. The expansion of the original hole must be kept lessthan 20 mm in case of interrupting the balance of stress.
Specificationsof the TCT Saw Blade for Chipboard, MDF, Laminated Board
ITEM NO. | D-mm | B-mm | d-mm | z |
WLZ254080P | 254 | 3.2 | 30 | 80 |
WLG254080U | 300 | 3.2 | 30 | 72 |
WLG300080U | 300 | 3.2 | 30 | 80 |
WLG300080P | 300 | 3.2 | 30 | 80 |
WLG300096P | 300 | 3.2 | 30 | 96 |
BOSUNis a professional TCT saw blade for chipboard, MDF, laminated boardmanufacturer and supplier in China. We offer a wide variety of products,including special steel cutting saw blade, diamond core bit, general purposeblade, floor saw and much more.
3. TCTSaw Blade for Plywood, Block Board
The TCT saw blade forplywood and block board by BOSUN is a kind of professional woodworking sawblade that features sharp edge, long service life and good cutting quality. Itis adaptive to manual edger and automatic edger and is widely applied indecoration, construction and engineering industries to cut plywood, buildingformwork and block board.
The TCT saw blade for plywood and block board can keep a smooth and cleansurface on the timbers and prevent burrs or breakage on the edge. It willimprove the use of raw materials and make the cutting faster and cost lesslabor, thus enhance the efficiency of working. Note that continuous dry cuttingfor long hours may affect the service life and the blade cutting effect of theTCT saw blade for plywood and block board.
Feeding the blade too fast may cause inferior-quality performanceand the blades segments may break as well. Dust disposal grooves andwaste sucking devices must be kept clean to stop the waste blocking and jeopardizesecurity.
Specifications of the TCT Saw Blade for Plywood, Block Board
ITEM NO. | D-mm | B-mm | d-mm | z |
WPZ250080P | 250 | 3.2 | 30 | 80 |
WPZ255100P | 255 | 3.2 | 25.4 | 100 |
WPZ255120P | 255 | 3.2 | 25.4 | 120 |
WPZ300100P | 300 | 3.2 | 30 | 100 |
WPZ305100P | 305 | 3.2 | 25.4 | 100 |
WPZ305120P | 305 | 3.2 | 25.4 | 120 |
Asan experienced TCT saw blade manufacturer based in China, BOSUN provides a widerange of products, including our PCD grinder head, special steel cutting sawblade, general purpose blade, masonry saw and more.