Clear Wire Patterned Glass
Clear wire patterned glassis a translucent figured glass with wire inside for safety purpose which allowstransmission of daylight, while obscuring visibility of objects. It ismanufactured by the Roll-Out-Process, whereby a roller imprints the patternonto the glass surface.
The clear wire patterned glass is available invarious patterns such as Aqualite, Bamboo, Chinchilla, Diamond, Flora, Galaxy, Hishicross, Kasumi, May Flower,Masterlinge, Matrix, Millenium, Mistlite, Morgan-II, Nashiji, Mink, Oceanic, Puzzle(Karatachi), Raindown, Canelado, etc. Thesurface patterns not only allow diffused daylight transmission but preventvisibility of activity, thus ensuring privacy. Also with a wide range ofpatterns, the clear wire patterned glass is highly suitable for decorativeapplications. The patterned glass is applicable towindows for housing, flats and general construction, furniture, display bases,house fittings, partitions, decorations for front doors and shop display, aswell as wall and ceiling claddings, etc.
The clearwire patterned glass comes in a wide range of specifications including 1500*2000mm,1530*2520mm, 1830*2440mm, 1860*2520mm, 2000*2500mm, 1880*2520mm, 1880*2550mm,1900*2200mm etc. The glass thickness options include 6mm, 6.5mm, and 7mmetc.
We are a professional clear wire patterned glass manufacturer based in China. At RiderGlass we also provide clear patterned glass, ultra clear tempered glass, tintedfloat glass, colored patterned louver glass, and more.