Home Rotary Sand Dryer

Rotary Sand Dryer

Rotary Sand Dryer

Rotary Sand Dryer

The rotary sand dryeris equipped with automatic temperature, pressure and electrical controls andwith burner systems capable of firing natural gas, propane and/or oil. Directheat rotary sand dryers are available in sizes ranging from 6" to156" in diameter and lengths from 3' to 100'.

The direct heat dryer design consists principally of an inclined rotatingcylinder. This type of design brings process material into direct contact withthe drying medium, either in a co-current or countercurrentflow configuration. The drying medium may be products of combustion temperedwith air, heated clean air or special gases. Direct heat rotary sand dryers aremost appropriate when product characteristics reflecting particle size range,specific gravity, and shape permit reasonable drying air velocities through thecylinder, as well as for applications involving product temperatures upwards to500oC.

The wet material is fed into one end of the rotating cylinder wherelongitudinal parallel lifting fights pick up the material and cascade it inthin even sheets so it will dry most advantageously. Usually as the materialdries, its angle of repose changes. To accommodate this change, the lifting flight sections differ in size and shape, assuring optimum heattransfer at all points within the dryer.

1. The rotary sand dryer offers low energyconsumption.
2. It features a reasonable structure and high efficiency.

Applications of Rotary Sand Dryer
The rotarysand dryer is used for drying materials in industries like cement, mine,building materials, chemistry, food and fertilizer, etc. This rotary dryingmachine comes with thermocouples on the feeding and discharging device tocontrol the temperature. Thermometers are also used to better control theworking temperature (generally 350-380o) of the rotary sand dryer.

At Shanghai Tlong, we can provide full specifications of large andmedium-sized mineral machinery, metallurgy equipment and building materialequipment, such as crushing machine, mineral processing equipment, cementproduction line, rolling mill equipment, etc. These mining crusher machines arereliable in quality and low in cost. We welcome rotary sand dryer manufacturersand purchasers all over the globe to contact us!

Rotary Sand Dryer


Tlong isa specialized rotary sand dryer manufacturer located in Shanghai, China'slargest city. Our company alsosupplies cement rotary kiln, steel ball mill, froth floatation machine, highintensity magnetic separator, and much more. Surroundedby convenient transportation possibilities by land, sea, and air, we can reducethe shipping cost for our clients.

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